Your Life Needs Your Unique God-Made Pace
By Keri Eichberger
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. - Ephesians 2:10
As my heart rate reached 175 beats per minute, lightheadedness shifted to disorientation. Hints of nausea grew to deep gut punches. My breath shallowed and shortened, held back by clenching lungs. But I had to keep pace with Mike. Per doctor’s orders, he needed to increase his cardio, and I was determined to be my husband’s accountability. I also figured I could use the boost for my aging body. So, one heavy foot in front of the other, I wouldn’t stop. I climbed side-by-side, up the final tenth of a mile, also painfully the steepest stretch of our two-mile course. When we finally finished at our driveway, I grabbed my side, fought for a deep inhale, and waited for my heart to return to a rhythm that allowed steady breaths, a smidge of clarity, and words to be voiced.
“Good job!” Mike spoke through a smile without an ounce of strain or fatigue. Me, I thought I was dying. But reasoned it was worth it. Besides, what doesn’t actually kill you makes you stronger, right? I’m now not so sure.
The following day, logistics didn’t allow for my accountability. Mike would run first, and I’d head out when he got home. But it wasn’t long at all before he returned, busting breathlessly through the front door, “Man! I guess I need you to keep me from killing myself! I petered out a mile and a half in.” I, on the other hand, was kind of looking forward to taking the jog a bit slower today. And here’s what’s crazy, I found myself amazed at how my run went down, and the lesson learned from finding a rhythm and rate meant just for me.
Not only did I not crash at 1.5 miles, I went past our typical two. I never reached a point of near passing out, I enjoyed my surroundings, and had energy to add a brief sprint at the end past my original goal. Along my jog, I found myself talking more to God, dreaming up a couple devotions, and actually finished feeling pretty good. Hmm.
This prompted some deeper thoughts about life and the crazy different paces we are all running.
At what rate are you running the race of life these days? Too hard or a bit fast? Can’t catch a breath? I realized I don’t just do this with exercise, but in the ways I fill my days.
You too? Do you compare your efforts to others, trying to reach or surpass their, or your own, unrealistic expectations? And are you running low on fuel and feeling worn down?
I often forget that God has a certain path and pace just for me. For each of us. Yet, many of us find ourselves running at rates and rhythms designed for someone else, or outside of what he designed uniquely for us. We might be relentlessly running to stay in stride with someone built and gifted entirely different than we are. Like me trying to keep up with a man seven inches taller with muscles three times larger. Or, we try to match step-to-step and on a course following someone else’s set of goals. Or, we race at our own outrageous racing pace, causing us to lose steam and clarity, and eventually crash, like Mike. Sometimes, we run off our road or strive at a speed that keeps us from enjoying what God intended for us to enjoy.
And for what? What good is it doing?
I suppose it’s noble of us from time to time to step out of our comfort zone and increase our speed for the love and service of others. But pay attention to the warning signs. If you are beyond exhausted, you might be running the race of life a bit faster and off the pace God intended for you.
Here’s what I noticed, my pace really didn’t decrease that much from the first to the second day. But it was certainly at a level of intensity built more specifically for me. I was able to accomplish so much more, last much longer, and be more effective. I even had energy left over, and I enjoyed my run. I was where God wanted me. Likewise, you may need to tune your pace back a tick or two to best utilize your God-given gifts and abilities and find more enjoyment in your life. We all really want to enjoy our lives, but most of us are too exhausted trying to keep our current crazy pace. God wants us to enjoy our lives, too. And he has something specific in mind for you. And it’s not burnout and exhaustion.
Intersecting Faith and Life:
Here’s something I think may help both of us. Consider the pace you’re walking or running through your days lately. Are you exhausted? Drained or depleted? God wants to speak and work through you, but it’s difficult to hear his direction if you’re flustered or too tired. So, ask him today if you need to slow down for a minute, change your pace, or shift gears. Ask him what he wants just for you. And then boldly, confidently run with endurance your race at his pace. Remember, you are a wonderfully made masterpiece created to uniquely travel a journey day in and day out, tailor-made just for you. All for your best future and God’s great glory.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/FOTOKITA
Keri Eichberger is a Jesus-loving Kentucky girl. She is married to her best friend, Mike, and has a full house of five kids. After years of writing for an online audience, Keri became ordained through Southeast Christian Church, giving her life to full-time ministry. She is the author ofWin Over Worry: Conquer What Shakes You and Soar With the One Who Overcomes, and has a passion for sharing faith-filled encouragement through devotional writing. Connect with Keri orInstagram.
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