The Acton Institute Mini-Grants on Free Market Economics program accepts proposals from faculty members at colleges, seminaries, and universities in the United States and Canada in order to promote the scholarship and teaching of market economics. This program allows for collaboration between faculty from different universities, as well as help future leaders to emerge, strengthen, and expand the existing network of scholars within economics. Entrants may submit proposals in two broad categories: course development and faculty scholarship.
Here is plete list of the 2018 winners and their specific projects:
PHIL 3- Intro. to Social-Political Philosophy
Chad Bogosian, Philosophy Instructor, Clovis Community College
CSE- Common Sense Economics
Tawni Ferrarini, Professor of Economic Education, Lindenwood University
Comparative Economic Systems Course Development
Enoch Hill, Assistant Professor of Economics, Wheaton College
Virtue and Markets Course Development
Jason Jewell, Professor of Humanities, Faulkner University
Freedom and Natural Law in the United States of America
Allen Mendenhall, Executive Director, Blackstone & Burke Center for Law & Liberty
Free Markets and their Requisite Moral Ontology
Scott Smith, Professor of Ethics and Christian Apologetics, Biola University
Recreating and Integrating the Economics Major with the Catholic Intellectual Tradition at Belmont Abbey College
Michael Watson, Assistant Professor, Belmont Abbey College