I’m pleased to announce that the Acton Institute PowerBlog has added two new contributors to our cast of mentators.
Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, national spokesman for the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance, associate professor of historical theology and social ethics at Knox Theological Seminary, and adjunct scholar at the Acton Institute, will be posting some of the ments and links from his periodic Interfaith Stewardship Alliance Newsletter. Dr. Beisner is an author and lecturer on the application of Biblical worldview and theology to economics, government, public policy, and the environment. For online ordering of books by E. Calvin Beisner, go to his website here.
Prof. Anthony B. Bradley is an Acton research fellow and assistant professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis. He pleting a doctorate in historical and theological studies at Westminster Theological Seminary and holds an M.Div. from Covenant Theological Seminary. Prof. Bradley will be lecturing at this year’s Acton University, and is a frequent author of Acton Commentary articles, including one posted today, “The Duke Case in Review: Justice Prevails, Virtue Interprets,” a follow-up to his “Wanted: A Duke Lacrosse Team Hero,” from April of 2006.
You can continue to look forward to posts from these and other PowerBloggers on topics like environmental stewardship, business and culture, and theology and ethics.