Nicholas Freiling offers three helpful suggestions for how advocates of liberty can defend the free market:
1. Raising questions is always better than giving answers.
Capitalism defends itself. It is logical, coherent and well-supported. The last thing it needs is your careless, back-of-the-napkin arguments that can sometimes do more harm than good.
Instead of arguing defensively with your friends, try raising some interesting questions. Ask them about their beliefs. Why do they think like they do? What do they think about our economic future? How do they propose the government deal with things like inflation, student loan debt and gun control?
If you’re like me, you’ll quickly find that questions build bridges and create mutual understanding. If you’re lucky, your friends will begin to seriously consider their own opinions, and will e more open to listening to alternative points of view. Helping e to their own opinions will create more lasting change than asking them to adopt yours.
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