I’m preparing to travel to Minneapolis later this week to present a paper at the annual conference of the Sixteenth Century Society, which is a major academic society focusing on the study of the early modern period.
I’ll attempt to blog from the conference as I have opportunity and there is information of relevant interest to the PowerBlog audience. Posted after the jump is my tentative schedule, including which sessions I’ll be attending (full conference program is in PDF form here). These reflect my own scholarly interests as well as those that mesh with the focus of the Acton Institute and the Journal of Markets & Morality. My paper will be presented in the last group of sessions late Sunday morning, and is titled, “Wolfgang Musculus and the General Covenant.”
Musculus was a second generation Protestant reformer and a contemporary of John Calvin. His doctrine of the covenant is related to later developments of covenantal theology (which has important implications for political and moral thought in the post-Reformation period).
Thursday, 25 October 2007
1:30–3:00 p.m.
10.Historians Who Read Theologians Who Read Luther
Organizer: Hans Wiersma, Augsburg College
Chair: Steven Paulson, Luther Seminary
Gerhard Forde and the Baptismal Theology of Martin Luther
Mark Tranvik, Augsburg College
“I Am Neither Lutheran Nor Calvinist”: Johannes Kepler on Luther and the Lutherans
Russell Kleckley, Augsburg College
Everybody Loves Martin? Invoking Luther Then and Now
Hans Wiersma
3:30–5:00 p.m.
19.The Eucharist in Early Reformation Preaching and Polemic
Sponsor: Society for Reformation Research
Organizer: Amy Nelson Burnett, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Chair and Commentator: Anne Thayer, Lancaster Theological Seminary
From Pastoral Care to Protest: The Evolution of Early Evangelical Views of the Mass
Amy Nelson Burnett
Eucharistic Preaching and Social Upheaval: Preaching against the Real Presence and Civic Hierarchies in Augsburg, 1524
Joel van Amberg, Tusculum College
Guillaume Farel’s Attacks on the Catholic Eucharist in the Villages of the Pays de Vaud and Common Lordships
James Blakeley, University of Arizona, Tucson
Sponsor: Society for Reformation Research
Organizer: Susan R. Boettcher, University of Texas at Austin
Chair: Amy Nelson Burnett, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Janis Gibbs, Hope College
Jeffrey Persels, University of South Carolina
Julia Schleck, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Dwight E. R. TenHuisen, Calvin College
7:00 pm Plenary Lecture
Sponsored by Theorizing Early Modern Studies Research Collaborative, University of Minnesota
Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra, University of Texas at Austin
James Ford Bell Library, University of Minnesota
(maps will be available at registration desk)
Friday, 26 October 2007
8:30–10:00 a.m.
30.Memorializing Martyrs in Early Modern England
Sponsor: British Academy John Foxe Project
Organizer, Chair, and Comment: Thomas S. Freeman, Cambridge University
The Making of a Martyr: The Death and Afterlife of William Thomas
Brett Foster, Wheaton College
Virgin Brides, Malapert Maids, Modest Matrons, and Whores of Babylon: Memorializing Women Martyrs in Tudor and Stuart England
Megan Hickerson, Henderson State University
Images of Martyrdom in Early Modern England
Elizabeth Evenden, Cambridge University
10:30 a.m. – noon
43.Grace and Liberty: The Views of Melanchthon, Calvin and Arminius
Sponsors: Institute for Reformation Research, Theological University Apeldoorn; Institut für Schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte, University of Zürich; St. Andrew’s Reformation Studies Institute; Peter Martyr Society; Centre for Research on Religion, McGill University
Organizer and Chair: Herman Selderhuis, Institute for Reformation Research, Apeldoorn
Liberty in Things Above and Below: Were Calvin and Melanchthon on the Same Page?
Jason Van Vliet, Apeldoorn
Calvin’s Treatment of Divine Grace and the Offer of the Gospel
Mark Beach, Mid-America Seminary
God’s Twofold Love: The Foundations of Jacob Arminius’s Theology
William den Boer, Apeldoorn
1:30–3:00 p.m.
62.e-Teaching the Renaissance
Chair: Leah Chang, George Washington University
e-intertexuality, or How to Teach Renaissance Literature Online
Jan Miernowski, University of Wisconsin and Warsaw University
Rare Books Online and in the Classroom: ‘The Renaissance in Print”
Karen James and Mary B. McKinley, University of Virginia
3:30–5:00 p.m.
63.How Much Religion, How Much God, in the Reformation Classroom? A Roundtable
Sponsors: Society for Reformation Research and H. Henry Meeter
Center, Calvin College
Organizer: Susan R. Boettcher, University of Texas at Austin
Brad Gregory, University of Notre Dame
Susan C. Karant-Nunn, University of Arizona, Tucson
Karin Maag, H. Henry Meeter Center, Calvin College
Ron Rittgers, Valparaiso University
Karen E. Spierling, University of Louisville
Saturday, 27 October 2007
8:30–10:00 a.m.
82. Lutheranism in England: Are Rumors of its Death Greatly Exaggerated?
Sponsor: Society for Reformation Research
Organizer: Polly Ha, Cambridge University
Chair and Comment: Alec Ryrie, Durham University
Making Martyrs: The Last Confession of Robert Barnes and the Shaping of Theological Identity
Korey D. Maas, Concordia University
Matthias Flacius, John Foxe and the Shaping of English Church History
Thomas S. Freeman, Cambridge University
International Protestantism and the Politics of Diplomacy: A Re-evaluation of the Protestant (Calvinist?) Cause
David Scott Gehring, University of Wisconsin
10:30 a.m. – noon
94.Prayer in the Reformation
Sponsor: Princeton Theological Seminary, Reformation Department
Organizer: Elsie McKee, Princeton Theological Seminary
Chair: Kenneth Appold, Princeton Theological Seminary
Luther’s Doctrine of Faith and Love as the Key to the Lord’s Prayer
Sun-Young Kim, Princeton Theological Seminary
Prayer as Catechesis and Pastoral Counsel: Katharina Schütz Zell on the Lord’s Prayer and Laments-Penitential Psalms
Elsie A. McKee
The Role of Imagination in Prayer According to John Calvin and Ignatius Loyola: Teaching Reformed and Jesuit Spiritual Life
Gary N. Hansen, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
:00–3:30 p.m.
107.Philip Melanchthon between Friend and Foe
Sponsor: Society for Reformation Research
Organizer: Timothy Wengert, Lutheran Theological Seminary at
Chair and Comment: James Estes, University of Toronto
Philip Melanchthon’s Definitive Theological Response to Andreas Osiander: The 1556 Enarrationes … ad Romanos
Timothy Wengert
Johannes Bugenhagen’s Relation to Philip Melanchthon: The Pastor and the Preceptor
Martin Lohrmann, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Philip Melanchthon as a Publisher for Matthias Flacius
Luka Ilic, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
4:00–5:30 p.m.
116.Conceptualizing Slavery and Race in Early Modern Europe
Organizers: Kathryn A. Edwards, University of South Carolina, and R. Ward Holder, St. Anselm College
Chair: R. Ward Holder
Slavery in Europe in the Sixteenth Century: An Over
William D. Phillips, University of Minnesota
Infidels, Heretics, or Misunderstood Cultures? Popular Dutch Attitudes toward Muslims and Jews in the Seventeenth Century
Gary K. Waite, University of New Brunswick
Gods, Kings, and Slaves: The Journeys of Ham and his Sons into Europe
David Whitford, United Theological Seminary
6:00–7:30 pm Roundtable
Organizer: Megan Armstrong, McMaster University
Chair: Kathryn A. Edwards, University of South Carolina
Civil Actions: Litigation and Reframing Early Modern Meta-Narratives
Julie Hardwick, University of Texas at Austin
Philosopher-Jurists, Soldiers of Justice, and Gnawing Vultures: Lawyers in Early Modern Society
Michael P. Breen, Reed College
Italo Calvino’s Advice to Us: “Leggerezza, Velocità”
Thomas V. Cohen, York University
Using the Law: Ambiguity, Flexibility, and Agency
Scott K. Taylor, Siena College
Drama in the Archives: Staging Narratives of Honor in the Court?
Leslie Peirce, New York University
Sunday, 28 October 2007
8:30–10:00 a.m.
130.Creating Identities in the Reformation
Organizer: R. Ward Holder, St. Anselm College
Chair: Ron Rittgers, Valparaiso University
Vows, Oaths, and the Formulation of a Subversive Ideology
Jonathan Gray, Stanford University
Vowing Religion: Before and After the Reformation Turn
John Van Engen, University of Notre Dame
The Confessionalization of Faith: The Emergence of the Protestant Doctrine of Justification in its Creedal and Conciliar Development
David C. Fink, Duke University
10:30–12 noon
137. Reformed Theology in Augsburg, Strasbourg and Geneva
Organizer: R. Ward Holder, St. Anselm College
Chair: Gary Hansen, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
Wolfgang Musculus and the General Covenant
Jordan Ballor, Calvin Theological Seminary
Of Stars and Simple Folk: Guillaume Farel’s Early Reformed Ecclesiology
Jason Zuidema, McGill University
Bucer, Cellarius, and the Perseverance of the Saints
Edwin Tait, Huntington University