“What the pope has brought forth is honest, timely and sensitive,” writes Rev. Robert A. Sirico, co-founder and president of the Acton Institute. “Amoris Laetitia explores plicated pastoral situations that any confessor will know all too well: challenges of how weak and fallen people can authentically live the faith.”
In the Detroit News, Rev. Sirico discusses Pope Francis’s love letter to the family:
The pope’s reflections are aimed at how to make a solid moral discernment in the midst of plexities, guided by the objective moral teaching of the Church. There are some points of ambiguity, but passion is evident.
The document is drenched in mercy and urges pastors to lead their flock by maintaining a sense of e to those undergoing the sometimes arduous process of discerning and doing God’s will. It urges us to encourage — and include in parish life — those working toward living in accord with the Church’s teaching.
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