Call for Papers: “Intellectual Property and Religious Thought”
University of St. Thomas School of Law, April 5, 2013. The University of St. Thomas will hold a conference titled “Intellectual Property and Religious Thought,” on April 5, 2013, co-sponsored by the Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy and The University of St. Thomas Law Journal. The conference will be held at the University of St. Thomas School of Law building in downtown Minneapolis.
Call for Papers: “Whose Justice? Global Perspectives in Dialogue”
LCC International University, Lithuania, April 5-6, 2013. The question animating this conference—whose justice?—has been posed in past studies by eminent thinkers such as Alistair MacIntyre, and has been intoned by countless scholars whose work seeks, embraces, or questions rightfulness, lawfulness, moral principles, or righteousness. In a globalized world with intersecting cultures, hybrid identities, and oft-shifting moral and political boundaries, the matter of justice continues to ring distinctly as a crucial topic of intellectual debate – all the more so, since today that discussion must include questions about not only who receives justice, and how and when and where, but, equally, what is justice in the first place? How do we recognize it? How and why is justice a significant concept for everyone’s lives and livelihoods around the globe in 2013?
Call for Papers: “The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life”
Regent University’s Center for Renewal Studies (CRS) seeks to provide venues that foster mutual dialogue among scholars, professionals, and the broader public on the renewing work of the Holy Spirit. Toward this end, CRS is hosting a conference in March 1-2, 2013, that seeks to promote research on the renewing work of the Holy Spirit as that has unfolded across the Christian tradition and as that has implications and applications to Christian life.
Resource: “RegData”
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University is proud to announce the launch of a breakthrough database that provides a dramatically improved measure of the federal regulatory burden. RegData is the first database to count the actual number of restrictions in the Code of Federal Regulations, as opposed to the former method of simply counting total pages. The interactive tool enables a far more focused view of the regulatory burden by measuring the growth of regulation by industry. While previous methods provided an idea of the growth of overall regulation, they told nothing about how those regulations affected specific sectors in the economy.
Call for Proposals: “Fortress Press Academic”
Building on a rich publishing history, Fortress Press is launching Fortress Academic, a new imprint for today’s academic landscape. With its launch, we’re expanding our publication programs and deepening mitment to both the established and the emerging generation of authors. Our editorial team is actively seeking proposals for scholarly works in theology and biblical studies!