Today marks the day that the Acton Institute broadens its horizons… If you haven’t noticed, we’ve literally widened our blog to 900px, creating a bit more space for all the things we have to say. We’ve also changed the location of the blog to All of our old links ( should still work although there may be occasions when they won’t. Please don’t hesitate to leave notification of old links that don’t work in ments section of this post.Technorati Profile
You may also want to update your RSS feeds, although the old ones should still work. The general PowerBlog RSS feed is now Another nifty feature that we’re adding is the ability to grab an RSS feed of a particular author. So, if you just can’t get enough of Marc’s “Global Warming Consensus Alerts,” scroll down till you find the “Authors” box on the lefthand column of the page and click on the XML icon next to Marc’s name.