Over several weeks we have been talking about the skills we need to develop as we are On Call in Culture; a Kingdom-focused memory, storytelling (which involves observation and reflection), and vulnerability. Each one plays an important part of us making an impact on our culture as God works through us daily. We have also provided resources to help you develop each skill.
In “My Mind in God’s Hands” we thought about focusing our minds on Kingdom values so our memories will be tools that God can use in our work. Remembering to ask your coworker how their mom did after surgery or whether your boss’ migraine is feeling better can be important in God’s plan for your relationships with them.
Building a Kingdom-focused memory resources:
In “On Call in Culture and Storytelling” we thought about how we need to be able to tell the unfinished story God is writing in our lives. We also thought about how the process of storytelling brings meaning to the seemingly disjointed experiences we have.
Storytelling resource:
“Inside Out” addressed the need to be vulnerable so we can share our story with those around us—building others up and encouraging them in their own journey. There can be many dangers when we open up our lives to others, but if done wisely, the benefits can far outweigh the pitfalls.
Vulnerability resources: the On Call in Culture Check In Team and invite a friend page.
Are there any other skills you find useful as you live your life On Call in Culture? We would love to hear about them.