Weekend, August 17, 2024
No Substitutions
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1 NLT).
There are different words we use to describe people that indicate their relationship to us. For example, we describe family members as husbands, wives, sons, and daughters. And if someone is our teacher or pastor or doctor, we might describe them by their vocations.
In Psalm 91, we find an interesting presentation of the nature and character of God. In fact, the psalmist begins by giving us four different pictures of God, four different words to describe the Lord. And each one gives us a different glimpse into who He is.
Verse 1 says, “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (NLT). The Hebrew word translated “Most High” is Elohim, which speaks of God as the One who possesses everything. It’s a reminder that God owns and possesses all.
Then the psalmist referred to God as “the Almighty,” which originates from the Hebrew word Shaddai.The thought here is that of provision. While it’s wonderful to know that God owns everything, it’s also wonderful to know that He wants to provide for us. He is not only the living God but also the giving God.
In verse 2, the psalmist wrote, “This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him” (NLT). “The Lord” is translated from the Hebrew word Jehovah.This is the word God gave to His own people, the Jews, which speaks of the covenant that He had established with them. He made promises to them that He intends to keep.
Also, in verse 2 we find the word “God,” which is from the Hebrew word Elohim. This term is plural. There are three members of the Trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
When we put it all together, the psalmist is telling us that the all-knowing, all-powerful God who possesses Heaven and earth is in a special covenant with you and wants to provide for your needs and protection.
Among the promises contained in this great psalm, God promises that He will deliver us, protect us, answer our prayers, and be with us in times of trouble. However, there are several times in Psalm 91 where the writer gives a condition, and then the promises follow.
For example, verse 1 says, “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (NLT). The Hebrew word translated “live” speaks of resting and remaining with consistency.
Essentially God is saying, “I don’t merely want a relationship with you; I want fellowship with you. I want you to be near Me and remain consistently in My presence.”
Sometimes as believers we substitute work for worship. We are so busy doing Christian things with Christian people in the Christian church that we forget about Christ. And then one day we’re suddenly feeling overwhelmed and burned out.
There is a time for work. And thank God for everyone who does work. Yet the best work always will overflow from a life of worship. It can never take the place of it.
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