USAID Administrator Andrew Natsios set the record straight at a U.N. conference when he told the gathering that the United States has “no intention” mitting to a goal for foreign aid pegged to a percentage of gross domestic product. Some countries are pressing for the U.S. mit to an official development assistance (ODA) goal of 0.7 percent of GDP, a figure that would oblige the United States to spend more than $90 billion annually. The Washington Times reported that Natsios “vigorously defended” the American aid policy, and had this to say about pegging assistance to the U.N.’s or anyone else’s “official” number:
“There is ample evidence that ODA is not generally the limiting factor on nations’ development. Development progress is first and foremost a function of mitment and political will to rule justly, promote economic freedom and invest in people.”
Yet, the U.N. and E.U. continue to push these arbitrary ODA goals. Reminds you of the way that French farmers force feed geese to produce foie gras. Only, with superabundant foreign aid, the only ones getting stuffed are people like Nigeria’s Sani Abacha and his kleptocrat fraternity.