Christian’s Library Press has released the third book in their Work & Economics series,Flourishing Churches and Communities: A Pentecostal Primer on Faith, Work, and Economics for Spirit-Empowered Discipleship by Charlie Self. Dr. Self isdirector of PhD studies in Bible and theology and associate professor of church history at Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Springfield, Missouri.
Previous books in the series wereFlourishing Faith by Chad Brand andHow God Makes the World A Better Place by David Wright.
While Pentecostal Christianity is just over a century old its impact in that time as an evangelistic force for Christ has been astonishing. One foundational scriptural understanding of the Pentecostal movement is that the Spirit empowers us to carry out the work of the gospel.
RegardingFlourishing Churches and Communities, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary President, Dr. Byron Klaus says:
“Dr. Self offers a clear witness to theological reflection that portrays the Pentecostaltradition in light of twenty-first-century realities. This volume clearlyaffirmsthat the empowerment of the Spirit, focusing on the continuing redemptivemission of Jesus Christ, also can infuse munities to prosperwhen we acknowledge Christ’s kingdom rule over all of creation.”
This book is available online from Christian’s Library Press here. Additionally, the Kindle edition is available here.