The newest issue of the Journal of Markets & Morality has been published. The issue is available in digital format online and should be arriving in print in the next few weeks for subscribers. Volume 16, no. 1 is a theme issue on the topic of “Integral Human Development,” which was the focus of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s 2009 encyclical Caritas in Veritate. He writes,
The development We speak of here cannot be restricted to economic growth alone. To be authentic, it must be well rounded; it must foster the development of each man and of the whole man.
In this light, this most recent issue of the Journal of Markets & Morality focuses on the goal of development with the broadest possible bining insights from the disciplines of theology, philosophy, ethics, economics, and law, in order to explore plex goal of lifting people out of all forms of poverty — whether material, spiritual, or otherwise — so that they can better fulfill their God-given potential and vocations.
As has e our custom, this issue’s editorial by executive editor Jordan Ballor and guest editors Peter Heslam and Manfred Spieker is open access and a great place to get acquainted with the subject of integral human development as well as the contents of this issue.
In addition to articles and reviews, this issue also features a controversy between Paul Myers and Victor V. Claar over the question: “Does Fair Trade Promote International Development?” The first two installments in this four-part controversy are open access, while the last are limited to subscribers.
Lastly, in our Status Quaestionis section, we feature an updated translation of a work by the Russian philosopher Vladimir Soloviev, “The Moral Organization of Humanity as a Whole,” the last chapter of his 1899 work on moral philosophy, The Justification of the Good. Vladimir Wozniuk edited this translation and provides an informative introduction.
You can browse the table of contents of this new issue here.