The Acton Institute’s Religion & Liberty Transatlantic website has published its second article translated into French: « Bonne nouvelle, même les socialistes aiment le marché libre! »
It is a translation of the article, “Great news: Even ‘socialists’ love the free market (poll),” which notes that the same Gallup poll showing socialism’s growing popularity also finds that the vast majority of Americans trust the free market, rather than the government, to regulate the economy.
Translating this into French not only allows the Acton Institute to fulfill our mission to take our message to the largest audience possible, but also remedies a problem unique to France. Foreigners rely on the most widely distributed media sources for their understanding of U.S. society. As a consumer of French media, I can attest that their jouralists seem to believe that CNN International and the New York Times accurately summarize American life.
U.S. media highlighted Americans’ alleged embrace of socialism, not their rejection of its central premises. Since the world sees the U.S. as a beacon of radical capitalism, if America turns to the left then the rest of the world moves leftward in tandem. Accurate reporting arrests this process.
The translation reads:
Gallup a également demandé aux Américains « s’ils préféreraient que le marché soit libre ou que le gouvernement exerce un contrôle sur plusieurs activités économiques et sociales« .
Le sondage montre que les Américains font confiance au » libre marché » pour s’occuper de presque toutes les facettes de la société, pris » la distribution de la richesse » (+40 points de pourcentage), les salaires (+27 points) et » l’économie en général » (+29 points).
Moins de 41 % des personnes interrogées souhaitent que le gouvernement gère l’une ou l’autre de ces préoccupations, qui sont au cœur du socialisme.
You can read the full French translation here, and share it with your French-speaking friends.