Despite the partisan rhetoric that tends to dominate in America, most of us realize that, for all our disagreements, our neighbors often have the best of intentions. But when es to public policy, good intentions are not enough to create human flourishing. That’s why a primary task of the Acton Institute is “connecting good intentions with sound economics.” Without sound economics as a foundation, good intentions tend tolead to detrimental unintended consequences.
Convincing the public of this reality isn’t easy, but a video series produced by the Independent Institute provides some amusing and thought-provoking examples. The series Love Gov portrays the federal government as an overbearing boyfriend—Scott “Gov” Govinsky—who imposes his “good intentions” on the hapless, idealistic college student, Alexis.The results of Gov’s well-meaning actions are frequently not what Alexis would have expected.
Here is the trailer and the first two videos of the award-winning series:
Episode: 1 – An Education in Debt
Episode 2 – Protection from Jobs