Islamic Creed
The Oneness of Divinity
The Oneness of Divinity
Sep 19, 2024 10:51 PM

  Is there any convincing explanation for the secret of existence? The theory currently in vogue says that all existence is accidental and haphazard. In my opinion, only two ideologies remain in the realm of the probable. We can attribute life and universe to chance, and therefore, existence is meaningless. Alternatively, there is meaning of such magnitude to life, which largely escapes us.

  When we observe the orderly movements of the stars and planets, the regularity of the seasons, the uniformity and control of the law of nature over matter, energy and life, we realize that everything in the universe is knit into a single harmonious system.

  Anyone who looks at this great phenomenon and comes to the conclusion that it evolved on its own or by accident, must question his reasoning. Even an old watch, which has a simple mechanism of pulleys, implies that there must be a watchmaker.

  Albert Einstein, the most famous scientist of modern times, tells us: "Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of Science becomes convinced that a Spirit is manifest in the Law of the Universe, without concluding that there must be Divine intent behind it all. Speaking for myself, I can only say that the grandeur of the Cosmos serves to confirm my belief in the certainty of the Creator."

  In the most quotable quote, he said about the emergence of the universe by chance: "God does not play dice."

  In fact, throughout history, humankind as a whole has never denied the existence of a Creator. However, cultures have misunderstood His Nature and associated a mass of mythology with Him.

  There is a Force in action to keep everything in order. In nature, there is a Creator who has created the most charming scenery. Believers recognize this Creator and call Him Allah or God. He is not a man, because no man can create another man. He is not an animal, or a plant. He is not an idol or a statue because these things cannot create themselves or anything else. Neither is He the Sun or the Moon or a machine or a star, but the Maker and Keeper of all. The Maker of anything is greater than the thing He has created. The more complex a thing is, the more complex its Creator is.

  The Holy Quran says (what means): “Ask of them: 'Who is the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth?' If they hesitate, say: 'Allah'. Then ask: 'Then why do you take for protectors, instead of Him, other deities who have no power to benefit or avert harm from themselves?' Say: 'Are the blind equal to those who see?' Or do they assign to Allah partners who have created anything as He has created, so that the creation seemed to them similar? Say: 'Allah is the Creator of all things. He is the One, the Almighty". [Quran 13: 16]

  What is the true nature of the Creator? He certainly cannot be like the created things, for then He would be limited and corruptible like them. Only a Being possessing Absolute Knowledge, Power and Authority and the ability to keep Himself eternally alive, can give life and sustain life, and be the Creator of the Universe and its creatures.

  The question that now arises is: "Could there be more than one Absolute Creator?" If, for instance, there were two creators and they disagreed over the creation of something, then, either one would have to overcome the other, in which case the defeated one would not have been absolutely powerful. Or they would neutralize each other, in which case, both would have been limited in power. Even if we assume they both agreed on everything, still they could not both be absolutely powerful, because the action of one would then depend on the condition that the other does not interfere.

  Once again, the Quran tells us (what means): "He to Whom the Dominion over the heavens and the earth belongs, has begotten no son and has no partner in his kingdom, for it is He who creates everything and determines its nature in accordance with His own design. And yet some choose to worship, instead of Him, imaginary deities that cannot create anything but are themselves created, which can neither avert harm nor help even themselves, and which have no power over life or death nor power to resurrect.” [Quran 25: 2-3]

  The Oneness of Allah is the foundation of belief. Islam rests upon Tawheed: "Laa ilaaha illallaah" -- there is None worthy of worship except Allah, None worthy of praise, there is no god except Him, no one. Throughout the Quran, the refrain runs on and on: laa ilaaha illaa Allah, laa ilaaha illaa huwa, Allahu laa ilaaha illa huwa, Allahu ahad…which means that Allah is One, the only One.

  Associating partners to Allah is a major sin which Allah does not forgive, but He can forgive all other sins. The Quran reiterates, not once but twice in the same chapter (what means): “Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgives anything else to whom he pleases; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed." [Quran 4: 48, 116]

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