Is it possible for a girl who is pampered by her mother, who considers her the apple of her eye, to be a successful wife? Could she bear the responsibility of taking care of a husband and family?
This question is for every mother who is not keen on gradually and methodically teaching her daughter basic household skills, which later causes her marriage to be a shock for her and a transformation from paradise to a living hell. That is so, because the newlywed girl finds herself suddenly responsible for a house and a husband, without having been instructed back home to do household chores, having never entered the kitchen to prepare a meal, or made her bed or cleaned her wardrobe.
Our advice is to never let your daughter experience this situation, and help guide her as to how to be a skilled housewife. This is particularly applicable when it comes to cooking, which is a difficult art to be mastered, especially after marriage, since not learning it beforehand would leave the husband with a negative first impression, precipitated by disagreements over her cooking and his criticism of it.
Certainly, it is better to avoid this by systemically preparing a girl to assume the responsibilities of marriage from when she is in her family’s house.
Dr. Sihaam ‘Abdul-‘Aal, a wife and mother herself, suggests the basics of this training, from experience:
Women are naturally, psychologically and physiologically suited to the mission of motherhood and marriage. A girl’s preparation should start in a gradual and subtle manner during her early years, to give her a chance to assimilate the skills of housework in several phases:
1- Assuming responsibility of herself, her husband and their baby:
It is at this stage that we fully realize the advantage a girl gains from her long-term training, which enables her to proficiently and easily bear her responsibilities. That, in turn, results in a happy family.
Arab Info Center