Where does the western woman stand in the scale of humanity and who represents her? Is she the indecent and phony woman of Hollywood or is she crushed under the impact of exhausting work and the tyranny of men?
In the dialogue of civilizations, could a real study be made to compare the realities of two civilizations in order to reach a practical answer, and not an answer that is fabricated by mass media, of which of the two is more honorable and advanced? In a media that is dominated by the corrupt, Hijab is considered the clearest evidence of woman’s humiliation, backwardness degradation, and ignorance, while on the other hand, trading in women’s bodies is never considered as such!
We do not claim that the condition of the Muslim or Arab woman is at its best state of advancement and perfection; however, we believe that most of her afflictions are not caused by the fact of her being a female; rather, it is part of what also afflicts men, all of which comes as a natural result of oppression, tyranny and civilization hegemony that are being imposed on the Ummah (Muslim nation). Within the context of our civilizational view of the reality of the western woman from the inside, we will let the figures reveal the truth. In this way, we may be able to establish a true dialogue between civilizations, not only between two trends of thought or two methodologies, but also between two realities.
Domestic violence against woman in the West
We will begin with this topic. We cannot but notice that such violence, which goes beyond human limits, is not exercised by illiterate men who live in the jungles or in the poorest areas. On the contrary, such violence is perpetrated by men who are ‘refined’, just like Hollywood movie stars, with regard to fame, culture and social positions. They perpetrate such violence against weak women who, regardless of their glamour, have nothing to do after returning home but to be like slaves who are humiliated and degraded.
In this study, we will focus on domestic violence against women in the West. This study will prove by figures that the humiliated woman is not the stereotypical Afghani woman who covers her face, or the Arabian woman who lives protected and honored in a community that calls for her esteem and respect. Real degradation and vulgarity is that which make a woman a commodity like any other commodity, and subject her to attacks and all types of oppression and persecution.
Woman in America
Domestic violence, in all its forms, has afflicted the weakest members of the family, namely women and children. Secrecy makes it difficult to provide adequate evidence, and there are other social and legal impediments to it also. All these factors make it difficult to know the exact figures regarding domestic violence against women. Sociologists believe that domestic violence is the least reported type of crime. Most of the available information regarding violence against women is collected from small studies, which give a hint of what is supposed to be an international phenomenon. Such information cannot be used to precisely indicate the level of violence and abuse that is perpetrated against women, but it certainly clarifies that domestic violence is a widespread phenomenon and that the woman is the victim in most cases.
- Three out of every four perpetrators are husbands; 9% of them are ex-husbands, 35% are partners and 32% are ex-partners.
- According to the results of another study, one out of every four women who seek medical care by a family physician report that they were physically abused by their male partners. 37% of women who seek medical care by the family physician reported that they survived sexual abuse in their childhood, and 29% reported that they were sexually abused by the time they reached puberty. Also, women who were victims of such sexual assaults experience depression more than women who were not subjected to this.
- More than three million children are endangered by the parents’ violence every year.
- In 1993, 575,000 men, more than half a million, were arrested for committing violent crimes against women.
- Children who live in homes where the husband and wife assault one another, are subjected to physical abuse 1,500 times more than other children.
- In one study, 27% of the victims of domestic violence are children.
- There are at least four million reports of domestic violence incidents against women annually, and around 20% of them take place at home.
- In 95% of the incidents of domestic violence, women are assaulted by men.