Mothers are often affected by customs and culture in dealing with their infants. In doing so, they may unintentionally do something that harms their babies. Here we will mention a number of mistakes that some mothers make:
First: Using ice to treat a child’s fever. When a child has a fever this means that he has inflammation that may be caused by viruses, germs or parasites. Fever is part of the body's defense mechanism to resist these causes, especially germs and viruses. Slight increases in temperature (at 36.5 or 37.5 degrees) do not affect the body while high temperatures may exhaust the child and affect his health. Thus, in the second case something should be done to reduce the temperature.
The skin that contains pores and glands is the most important outlet for the temperature, because these pores and glands actively release heat from the body if it increases inside the body as what happens in case of inflammation or hot weather. However, they are closed and prevent temperature from being released in cold weather. Nonetheless, if the production of heat inside the body is quick, the speed of losing temperature automatically slows down; hence, something should be done to reduce it. In such cases, the following measures should be taken:
1. Let him drink a lot as the body loses a great amount of liquid when the temperature rises.