The United States is often perceived as a land of religious freedom and pluralism. Has such a space allowed for the growth of a new generation of young Muslim leaders, activists, and artists? According to a recent article in TIME magazine, the rising prosperity and integration of Muslims in America is allowing for new Muslim leaders to emerge in the American public sphere.
Because the United States is faring far better with Muslim cultural and societal integration than Europe, a new platform is opening up for redefining Islam in the West. While the American munity is also navigating their place in a shifting American demographic and religious landscape,intra-Islamic conversations continue over the identity and practice of American Islam. With the advent and growth of Islamic religious scholarship in the United States, the country is also ing home to continuing creative conversations about Islamic identity and practice.
There is no doubt that an element of economic freedom has allowed the munity in the United States to expand, flourish, and succeed. The link between religious and economic freedom will be considered more fully at an ing Acton conference in Rome, “Faith, State, and the Economy: Perspectives From East and West.”
The conference will take place onApril 29in Rome and is the first in a series called “One and Indivisible? The Relationship between Religious and Economic Freedom.” For more information visit theconference series webpage.
Additionally, please consider registering for Acton University 2014 for lectures on Islam by Mustafa Akyol, a columnist for the Turkish Daily News.