In a follow up interview to “Is Capitalism Immoral?,” Joseph E. Gorra on the Patheos Evangelical channel talks with Rev. Robert A. Sirico, Acton Institute president and co-founder, about the publication of his new book, Defending the Free Market: The Moral Case for a Free Economy. Gorra begins the interview by observing that “within Western societies today there appears to be a kind of fact/value dichotomy that operates as an assumption in much of our discourse, where questions of ‘economics’ (and the sciences in general) are in the category of knowledge and facts and therefore tend to trump questions of theology.”
Patheos: The dichotomous fact/value assumption also stunts prehension of what is true.
Sirico: It’s also true that some economists e hegemonic in thinking that the whole of truth is seen through their particular lens of expertise, rather than appreciating the plexity of humanity and situating their part of the truth within the broader truth of who the human person is. But that’s not just a problem for some economists—scientism infects almost every discipline that has a strong empirical element.
It would be humorous, if it were not tragic, when one es so blinded by the subjectivism of such relativism that they accuse others of what they themselves are infected with. What I am trying to do is broaden prehension of the truth that permeates everything—in the case of my book, how the economic can be seen to emerge from a reflection of human nature and empower us to do the good intentionally.
Read “Does Capitalism Promote Greed?: An Interview with Father Robert Sirico, Part 2” on the Patheos Evangelical channel.