It’s turning out to be a bad week. I’ve already been informed that I should be placed in the tender care of the Federal Prison System for the grave crime of supporting free markets, and now a prominent Canadian scientist wants to have politicians who remain skeptical of the Global Warming Consensustm join me in confinement:
David Suzuki has called for political leaders to be thrown in jail for ignoring the science behind climate change.
At a Montreal conference last Thursday, the prominent scientist, broadcaster and Order of Canada recipient exhorted a packed house of 600 to hold politicians legally accountable for what he called an intergenerational crime. Though a spokesman said yesterday the call for imprisonment was not meant to be taken literally, Dr. Suzuki reportedly made similar remarks in an address at the University of Toronto last month…
…The statement elicited rounds of applause.
“He sounded serious,” said McGill Tribune news editor Vincci Tsui, who covered the event. “I think he wanted to send home the message that this is very crucial issue.”
He might as well be serious. It’s not as if the Canadians are overly concerned about intellectual freedom these days. Sadly though, it appears he wasn’t:
When asked for ment, Dan Maceluch, a spokesman for Dr. Suzuki, said that he did not mean the statement to be taken literally.
“He’s not advocating locking people up, but he is pulling his hair out.”
What a shame that those dastardly criminals will still be able to menace society with their unwillingness to submit to the consensus!
Via Hot Air, where we’re reminded that:
Suzuki is a former director of … the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.
Of course.
What the heck, let’s just go all the way: Face it, the whole “democracy” thing just isn’t working:
In a new book, David Shearman and Joseph Wayne Smith take the appeal to experts somewhat further and argue that in order to deal with climate change we need to replace liberal democracy with an authoritarianism of scientific expertise.
Because, you know, authoritarian regimes have always been so good for the environment…