Explainer: What You Should Know About the Eric Garner Case
Explainer: What You Should Know About the Eric Garner Case
Mar 16, 2025 11:50 PM

A New York grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of a 43-year-old man that wascaught on video. Here are some details about the controversial case:

What was the incident that causedGarner’s death?

On July 17, 2014, two New York City police officers, Justin Damico and Daniel Pantaleo, attempted to arrest EricGarner. WhenGarnerresisted, Pantaleo grabbed him around the neck and tackled him to the ground. As Damico and three other officers assisted in pinning him to the sidewalk,Garnerrepeated nine times that he couldn’t breath.Garnerwas 6’3”, 350-pounds, and had a history of medical problems, including asthma.

AlthoughGarnerwas in obvious respiratory distress, none of the officers or the EMT personnel who arrived on the scene performed CPR. He died of cardiac arrest a few minutes later while on the way to the hospital.

Why wasGarnerbeing arrested?

Police say they observedGarnerselling untaxed cigarettes,though his family saidhe didn’t have any of the contraband on him or in his car at the time of his death.Garnerhad a criminal record thatincluded more than 30 arrestsfor charges such as assault, resisting arrest, and grand larceny. He was currently out on bail for several misdemeanor charges, including possession or sale of untaxed cigarettes.

What was the cause of death?

The city’s medical examiner’s office saidGarner’s death was caused by pression of neck pression of chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police.” The report also said factors contributing to his death included asthma and heart disease. The report concluded the death was a homicide (i.e., the killing of one human being by another human being).

Who was the officer that was accused of killingGarner?

Daniel Pantaleois an eight-year NYPD veteran and plainclothes patrolman. Two years ago, he was accused of strip-searching two men in public following a traffic stop and having “slapped” and “tapped” their testicles. Civilian Complaint Review Board deemed the allegation to be unsubstantiated.

After the grand jury decision, Pantaleoissued a statementsaying it was “never my intention to harm anyone.”

“I feel very bad about the death of Mr.Garner,” he said. “My family and I include him and his family in our prayers and I hope that they will accept my personal condolences for their loss.”

Pantaleo is currently on modified duty performing crime analysis. He is still being investigated by the Internal Affairs Bureau, which is looking into his possible use of excessive force and maydecide to charge him departmentally.

What type of investigation was conducted?

Independent investigations spanning four months were conducted by the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau, the NYC Medical Examiner, and the Richmond County District Attorney’s Office (which included eight assistant district attorneys and several detective investigators). More than38 interviews were conducted, and 22 civilian witnesses reportedto have seen some part of the interactionGarnerand the police.

Aspecial investigative grand prised of 23 members was impanelled specifically for this incident and was dedicated solely to hearing the evidence in this case. All members attended every session from September 20 to December 3. The grand jury heard from all witnesses, examined forensic evidence, and considered all video and photographic evidence. To charge Pantaleo with a crime and send the case to trial, 12 of the jury members would have had to vote that there is legally sufficient evidence and reasonable cause to believe the accused mitted a crime. (For more on how grand juries work, seehere.)

For what crime was OfficerPantaleo charged?

Because of the secrecy rules of the grand jury, the specific crime that Pantaleo was being charged with has not been revealed. However, law experts said the grand jury was likely considering charges that included manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, and reckless endangerment.

Why were no other officers charged?

Other officers seen on the video restrainingGarneron the ground weregiven immunity in return for their testimony.

Will we get to learn specific details about what the grand jury considered, as in the Michael Brown case?

Maybe. Unlike in some other states, New York law does not allow a district attorney to disclose such information. However, the district attorney has filed a petition with the court to publicly release specific information in connection with the grand jury investigation.

What is a “chokehold”?

A “chokehold” is a general term for a type of grappling hold that critically reduces or prevents either air (choking) or blood (strangling) from passing through the neck of an opponent. Chokeholds are against NYPD policy but they arenot currently illegal under any criminal statute.

Adding to both the confusion and the controversy was the difficulty in determining whether Pantaleo used a chokehold or a “submission hold” (such as a headlock). Submission holds areneither illegal nor forbidden by police policy. News reports claim that police frequently use such grappling moves to subdue resistant suspects. The autopsy did not help clear up the confusion since it showed that neither the windpipe nor neck bones were damaged in the encounter. (An “airchoke” would have likely caused damage to the windpipe, while a “blood choke” could have triggered circulatory problems without causing visible damage to the neck.)

What happens now?

The U.S. justice department islaunching a civil rights investigationinto the death ofGarner. Attorney General Eric Holder announced “an independent, thorough, fair and expeditious” investigation into potential civil rights violations in the case. He also said the Department of Justice would conduct a plete review” of material gathered in the local investigation.

Garner’s family hasfiled a notice of claimto sue the city, its police department, and six of the officers involved for $75 million.

Other posts in this series:

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