Calling all business and economics faculty at Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries across the United States and Canada! The deadline to apply for a Mini-Grant is March 15, only a few short weeks away.
The Acton Institute’s Mini-Grant Program will award a total of $40,000 to business and economics instructors for purposes of course development and faculty scholarship in the field of free-market economics.
If you are a professor or know of professors looking for financial assistance to bolster course curricula or advance scholarly projects in the ing school year, we invite you to visit the Mini-Grant Program page for details about petitive grant program.
To qualify for the ing deadline, all application materials must be submitted by email or postmarked by March 15.
Information about eligibility, conditions, the selection process, application requirements, and deadlines may be found on the Mini-Grant Program page.
Download a Fact Sheet Here
If you have any scholarship questions, please contact us at [email protected].