The Obama administration has created a policy wherein foreigners who purchase a baby via an American surrogate will be able to claim U.S. citizenship for the child. According to the Daily Caller:
The fertility clinics will be able to pocket the profits, after granting access to American education, health, welfare and retirement services to the foreign children and the foreign parents.
The giveaway is plished by a surprise change in regulations, which redefined the term “mother” to include women who contract to carry other women’s embryos to birth.
This policy, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, states that a “mother” need not have any genetic relationship to the child in order to transmit citizenship to that child. Again, the Daily Caller:
The change means that a woman who is a U.S. citizen can be hired by a reproductive medical clinic to e pregnant overseas and to give birth in China, Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else, and then effectively hand a U.S. passport to the baby.
This policy change also means that the parents can receive a green card once the child is an adult, as the Citizenship and Immigration Services wishes to promote “family unity.” Not only does this policy promote surrogacy (which is degrading to women and children), but it opens the doors to citizenship to anyone with the money to buy a baby.