With Great Britain’s stunning decision to leave the European Union, media outlets have been looking mentary to explain the motivations for the move and the likely consequences, and Acton’s experts have risen to the challenge.
Acton’sDirector of International Outreach Todd Huizinga – author ofThe New Totalitarian Temptation, which provides a great deal of insight and background on the European Union – joined BuisnessWeek contributor Eric Schiffer onNewsmax Primeon Friday evening to discuss the vote and its aftermath, and Director of Research Samuel Gregg – author of ing Europe, another fine resource for those interested in the problems faced by the EU (and the US)–joined host Al Kresta on Ave Maria Radio’sKresta in the Afternoon to share his thoughts on the move and the likely economic consequences of Brexit for Britain and the rest of the European Union. Video and audio are posted below.