Later today we’re having a book launch discussion about the latest volume in the Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology, On Islam. This book is a selection from a travel narrative Kuyper published after he voyaged around the Mediterranean Sea in 1905-1906. For those who are unable to join us in Grand Rapids, the event will be available via a live stream and will also be archived for viewing later.
For those interested in learning more about Kuyper’s trip, I mend the 8 part documentary series produced by the Dutch pany ICU. The historian George Harinck (who also contributed an introductory essay to the On Islam volume) follows in Kuyper’s footsteps through Eastern Europe, Turkey, Israel, and North Africa. The series was produced in Dutch, but some of the dialogue is in English and subtitles for the rest are available. Links to all eight episodes appear below:
Ep. 1: Romania & Ukraine
Ep. 2: Ukraine, Crimea & Turkey
Ep. 3: Turkey, Syria & Israel
Ep. 4: Israel & Egypt
Ep. 5: Egypt & Sudan
Ep. 6: Greece, Sicily & Tunisia
Ep. 7: Tunisia & Morocco
Ep. 8: Algeria & Spain