As I mentioned in my previous post, the Business as Mission (BAM) model has e a global phenomenon. As more Christians embrace BAM it is not only changing the lives of individual Christians but is helping to change, as Daniel Devadatta explains, the culture of business in India:
When Christian business persons begin to sense their calling, when they embrace this and begin to envision their enterprise from this perspective, they will begin to see the significant role they play in the public square.
To illustrate, let me share the story of pany I work for. pany was started in Goa in 1989, and the founder said that pany would not pay a bribe to get things done. In fact, his stance was stated precisely in this manner; “I would rather shut down pany than pay a bribe.” pany, through many hardships and over time, e to be a pany in the industry. In fact, by virtue of such a stance panies not only in the vicinity but also elsewhere have pany policies by which they state they will not participate in the bribe culture, irrespective of the horrible price that would be paid. pany knows that things will get better only if more people will take a similar stand and has paved the way for others to see this reality. To read more about Turbocam as a business as panyread their story.
Perhaps however there are some that are still skeptical. The mon objection is the matter of ethics, as if to say business is inherently unethical. This is especially true amongst some in the Indian munity. While I may not quieten all the skeptics, it is sufficient to say that unless business is rooted within a strong moral framework and conviction, they are right. However, business is no more different than any other vocation where the ethical considerations are important. Like in any other profession, a business person can be either moral or immoral. As people engaged in the public square, it is when moral standards are taken seriously, that a profound and lasting influence in society is demonstrated. This is how things get better. Let us as munity encourage business persons, celebrate the crucial role that a business person plays in society, and encourage more of our youth to consider this legitimate task set by God.