Have you heard about Logos Bible Software? Here’s a bit about the founding of pany from the February NewsWire update (and on their blog here): “A couple of young Microsoft programmers with their entire careers of high-pay and lucrative Microsoft stock options ahead of them, dropped everything to join a partner and risk it all on pursuing their dream.”
The story continues: “They weren’t satisfied with using their skills to help businessmen have access to the latest and greatest in technology just so they could be more productive or do better in business…
They wanted more.
They wanted to use those same skills to help God’s people in every walk of life have better access to the treasures of God’s Word.
They wanted to use the latest and greatest in technology to create tools for taking people deeper into Bible study than they ever thought possible.”
Logos Bible Software is the tool of choice for many seminaries, including my own school, Calvin Theological Seminary. I continue to be impressed with the range and quality of the products offered by Logos. There clearly is mitment to providing research tools that are relevant and highly powerful, tailored to theologians, pastors, and laypersons alike.
I’m especially a fan of their pre-pub system, which allows users to express interest in future products and get them at a discount, while giving pany an idea of the viability of a particular offering. For instance, check out pre-pub offering of the full 14 volumes of Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics. They’re now doing for Barth’s Dogmatics what they’ve done previously for Pannenberg’s Systematic Theology, Luther’s Works, and Hodge’s Systematic Theology.
And now, Logos Bible Software has been named a finalist for the prestigious “Consumer Product of the Year” award given by the WSA, a technology and trade organization. The latest iteration of Logos’ premiere software, Logos Bible Software 3, is up for the award.
If you’re not familiar with Logos, check them out. To be sure, there are some other useful (and less costly) options out there, such as the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. But the entrepreneurial, innovative spirit and the mitment of the folks at Logos bined to create a research tool well worth consideration.
If you are familiar with Logos, you can voice your support by voting for Logos Bible Software as the “Community’s Choice” winner at the WSA (it will be up to the official judges to award the “Consumer Product of the Year” honor).
If you would like to show your support, simply create an account and vote for Logos Bible Software.
You will have to create an account here.
Next, vote for Logos Bible Software here.