In a time of changes and reform in institutions one wonders if reform is truly necessary. Oskari Juurikkala addresses this lingering thought and answers that, yes, reform is truly necessary but it needs to be rooted in true good and our faith in God. Juurikkala states:
Institutions matter, but they do so in a way that differs from the reformist vision. According to Aquinas, human laws have two basic functions: to coordinate and to educate. But not to coordinate the maximization of gross domestic product, nor to educate in marketing and finance. Law – all law – should be at the service of the true good, helping us to know, love and serve the Lord, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
In order to achieve necessary reform we must be educated in virtues. However, we can not look to government to be the educator. Juurikkala argues we must look beyond government when seeking an education in virtues:
But government is not the primary educator in virtue. That is the turf of families, churches, and other social institutions. The proper task of government is to assist those other institutions, when necessary, by coordinating their organization and appropriately channeling resources and energies to their support. This is the principle of subsidiarity.
It is our families, churches, and social institutions that we bring the necessary reform, not a growing government. Read mentary on the Acton Website ment on it here.