Abundant Peace
Your Nightly Prayer for Jan. 6, 2025
by Christine F. Perry
TONIGHT’S SCRIPTURE“Abundant peace belongs to those who love your instruction; nothing makes them stumble.” Psalms 119:165 CSB
SOMETHING TO PONDERHave you ever had those days when you’re anxious and can’t seem to shut off your mind? Your mind mercilessly jumps from one problem to the next or becomes fixated and circulates around one issue you can’t seem to resolve. Yet, on the flip side, have you ever had a day when, even though things were challenging and seemingly impossible, you had an unwavering peace? Or perhaps you’re still searching for thatpeace. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus says,
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
In Psalm 23:1, David writes, "The Lordismy shepherd; I shall not want.” When Jesus is our number one priority, everything else falls into place, not necessarily physically, but we have abundant peace knowing He is in control, and if we have Him, we have all we need. Spending time in God’s Word reminds us of truths that anchor us amidst any storms we may be facing.
Thank you that when we have you, you are more than enough. With you, we are the majority. With you, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). With you, we have everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). Lord, whatever we are facing, we know from your word that you’re bigger than anything we face. You are able. You are good. Please grant us peace tonight. Help our minds to be on you and not the troubles at hand.
THREE THINGS TO MEDITATE UPON1. Consider what it means to have the Prince of Peace as your Father.
2. Imagine a quiet body of water and remember Psalm 23:2 that says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters.”
3. Focus on each breath you take, knowing God is sustaining you. Take a moment to thank Him for each breath you take.