5 stages of liberty: How the pilgrims found flourishing
5 stages of liberty: How the pilgrims found flourishing
Oct 11, 2024 7:17 AM

In our reflections on the story of the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving, we encounter a range of emphases across religious, cultural, and political divides.

For some, it’s a tale that points us to the power and importance of religious and political liberty. For others, it offers pelling argument for boldly taking in the immigrant and the refugee—the persecuted, the impoverished, and afflicted. For others still, it represents a repudiation of socialistic theories and a demonstration of the glories of economic freedom and property rights, orienting our gratitude and sacrifice beyond human designs.

And rightly so!

The story of the pilgrims, simple though it may appear, is a unique case study in human history, offering pact prehensive view into the multiple aspects of the liberty and conditions that are needed to establish and maintain a free and virtuous society.

“The Pilgrims were the first people to not merelyverbalize but actually realize, to demonstrate over a span of decades, intheir own lives as individuals and as a munity, the uniqueAmerican identity as an exceptionally free, orderly, and essentiallydevout people,” writes Charles H. Wolfe, president of the Plymouth Rock Foundation.

While Jamestown continued to struggle, the Pilgrim experiment took a different sequence altogether. From 1600 to 1636 and beyond, Wolfe explains, we see the pilgrims move from a pursuit of spiritual liberty to, decades later, constitutional liberty—moving between five distinct aspects of freedom. “They had to live out step by step the various aspects of theprinciple of Christian self-government that allowed them to experience, inan orderly, logical sequence the basic constituents of prehensive, genuine human freedom,” Wolfe explains.

To demonstrate Wolfe’s argument, I’ve provided key excerpts from each of the five stages he mentions. Each holds significant lessons for our current context, whether in illuminating all that we take for granted or in highlighting what we might be missing. (You can read the full essay here.)

1. Spiritual Liberty (1600)

Encouraged and inspired by the gifted Reformed pastors Richard Clyfton and John Robinson, to get and read their own Bibles (then against the law of England) and to receive Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour (then nopart of the teaching of the Church of England), the Pilgrims experienced a considerable degree of spiritual liberty (a measure of freedom frombondage to sin) and thus learned how to practice Christian self-government.

2. Religious Liberty (1603-1607)

Soon they were arrested by the Church police for worshipping apart fromthe Church of England. Apprehended and jailed, tried and found guilty, andfinally released, they saw it was no longer feasible for them to live intheir beloved England. With great difficulty (still pursued by the police,who insisted they stay in England) they escaped to Holland, where theyfound plenty of freedom.

But it was freedom to do your own thing, freedom run wild, and after adecade they found this materialistic, anti-Christian freedom wascorrupting their children, and they decided they had to make a fresh startin the New World.

3. Political Liberty (1620)

While still aboard the Mayflower,anchored in Provincetown harbor, before they ever went ashore, the Pilgrims took their Biblical type covenant which they had framed for theirchurch self-government in England and transmuted it into the Mayflower Compact, the world’s first written charter for local civil self-government. It was “democracy” with a spiritual undergirding, acknowledging the sovereignty of God and the primacy of His laws. As political scientists Willmoore Kendall and George Carey observe, thecolony is being planted first, for “the glory of God,” second for “theAdvancement of the Christian faith,” third for “the honor of King andcountry,” and fourth, “for our better ordering,” — that is, not just toform a free society, but an orderly, just and good society.

4. Economic Liberty (1623)

The first year munal agriculture, the Pilgrims planted just26 acres and nearly starved to death. As Governor Bradford reported, “theygathered in the small harvest that they had.” They shared what they couldwith the Indians, and the Indians shared the deer they had slain for theoccasion with the Pilgrims, but it was no huge Thanksgiving feast, andthey soon were acutely hungry. The second year, knowing they had to go all out, but still under theobligation to munal agriculture, they doubled their firstyear’s production, and planted 60 acres. But that was no by means enough,they still were near starvation.

And so the third year, they switched to private agriculture, assigned eachfamily its own property, made each responsible for itself. They planted184 acres, tripled their best previous effort, and never went hungryagain. William Bradford wrote: “Thus out of small beginnings greater things have been produced by Hishand that made all things of nothing, and gives being to all things thatare; and as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light herekindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation; letthe glorious name of Jehovah have all the praise.”

5. Constitutional Liberty (1636)

The Mayflower Compact was an inspired document, but not a specificconstitution, defining the form of their government, its functions andbasic laws. Thus in 1636, not working only from theory, no matter howsound, but drawing also on some fifteen years of experience inself-government in the new world, the Pilgrims held a kind ofmini-constitutional convention, which framed the Laws of the Pilgrims,also known as The Laws of Plymouth, a basic constitution that was revisedfrom time to time but never abandoned.

The preamble to the 1671 version, introduced “with grace and peace in ourLord Jesus Christ,” began: “It was the great privilege of Israel of old, and so acknowledged bythem (Nehemiah 9:13) that God gave them right judgments and true laws,which are so far good and wholesome as by how much they are derived fromand agreeable to, the ancient platform of God’s law.”

Together, each of these stages didn’t just pave the way for success in the lives of the pilgrims. They paved the way for the future of American republicanism and democracy—both culturally and politically—sowing the seeds of principles that would later be enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

As we give thanks around our tables, reflecting on the story of the pilgrims, we have the pleasure of nodding “yes” and saying “amen” to the host of themes that are sure to emerge across perspectives and personal priorities. We can express gratitude for a heritage not of narrow special interests, but of full-dimensional freedom.

Image:Signing the Mayflower Compact 1620, a painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris 1899

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