Islamic Etiquette
Towards Yourself
Stress and Anxiety Due to Worldly Matters
  Question   Assalamu alaykum.   My question is regarding depression, anxiety, and fear. Before I start, let me begin by telling my life story. Ever since first grade, I was a clever student. Everybody appreciated me because I always finished the first from my class until grade 8. My ambition was to... More
Oct 18, 2024
Fighting Satanic Thoughts about Life
  Question   I always feel so depressed, and I have mood swings and sometimes think about other religions. I am sure that I am right, but it is as if Satan is dragging me to think these thoughts, and I try to neglect them. At other times, I think that like... More
Oct 18, 2024
Allah The Almighty is Bashful and Likes Bashfulness
  It was narrated on the authority of Salman that the Messenger of Allah said: "Allah is Bashful and Most Generous, He is too Bashful to let someone go empty-handed after raising his hands in supplication." [Abu Dawood]   It was narrated on the authority of Ya‘la ibn Umayyah that the Messenger... More
Oct 18, 2024
Etiquettes of Seeking Knowledge - I
  Abu Rifa‘ah, May Allah be pleased with him, came to the Prophet while he was delivering a Khutbah (sermon) and said, “O Messenger of Allah, I am a stranger who came to ask about matters of his religion because he does not know about his religion.” The Messenger of Allah... More
Oct 18, 2024
Etiquette of eating and drinking
  For every act that a Muslim does, there is a chance for him to earn some reward for it from Allah. From praying to per­forming Ghusl (ritual bath), O Allah has placed His Blessings in everything. These rewards and blessings can be attained only by those keen to follow the... More
Oct 18, 2024
Etiquettes of Seeking Knowledge - II
  • Specialization: If a Muslim wants to specialize in one science, he should choose the most honorable branch of science and the most beneficent one that suits his abilities. It was said, “If you want to be a scholar, you should know everything about one thing, but if you want... More
Oct 18, 2024
The Prophetic Guidance on Happiness
  The faces of the old and young – and indeed even the trees and birds around us – rejoice when they come to know about the happiness of the beloved Prophet . This is because his happiness is happiness for those who love him, and guidance for those who follow... More
Oct 18, 2024
Avoiding anger
  Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar that Allah's Messenger said: "No one does anything more excellent in the sight of Allah, The Great and The Glorious, than restraining his anger, seeking to please Allah." [Ahmad and At-Tirmithi]   Murphy's Law is commonly known as: "Anything that can go wrong, will." However, what about... More
Oct 18, 2024
Importance of Time in the Life of the Muslim
  Everything, when lost, can be regained, except time. If it is lost, there is no hope to regain it. That is why time is the most precious thing that can ever be possessed in this life.   Islam is a religion that acknowledges the importance of time and appreciates its seriousness.... More
Oct 18, 2024
Happiness Is in Obedience to Allah, Not in Sins
  Question   I want to feel good most of the time and not rely on anyone. I do not have friends but would love to, and I do not have a boyfriend but would like to, and I do not have a sexy body but would like to, and I dream... More
Oct 18, 2024
Contentment is a sign of wealth
  If people become content with the little they have, then there will be no poor or deprived persons among them. If a person is content with what Allah, the Almighty, has given him, he will be powerful and in no need of others, even if he does not possess a... More
Oct 18, 2024
Reading for Life
  Author: Dr. ‘Abdul-Kareem Bakkaar   Allah, The Exalted, inculcated in mankind inquisitiveness and love for exploration, and this allowed them to develop themselves as “cognitive beings” and to be always prompted to acquire more knowledge without any limits of saturation or repletion.   In the past, the process of knowledge acquisition relied... More
Oct 18, 2024
Our need for guidance - I
  All praise be to Allah Who guides whomever He Wills to the Straight Path. Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah, who calls for the pleasure of his Lord and guides to the best way.   Now coming to the point: People's need for guidance is greater... More
Oct 18, 2024
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