Islamic Etiquette
Towards Others
Etiquettes of dialogue and speech -I
  Islam came to instil and spread fine manners and noble etiquettes. When in conversation or discussion, a Muslim must maintain these because Islam comprehensively addresses all aspects of life, and requires a Muslim to be distinct in his character, creed, worship, manners, etiquettes and appearance.   Undoubtedly, Islam is the superior... More
Oct 18, 2024
Severing ties of kinship
  The righteousness and uprightness of the family is the gateway towards a safe and secure community, and maintaining ties with kinfolks is the way to the preservation of the Muslim nation.   Islam calls for and mandates maintaining ties with kinfolks due to the great effect it has on establishing strong... More
Oct 18, 2024
When there is a Sick Person in Our House
  Illness is a trial from Allah The Almighty, with which He, The Exalted, afflicts whomever He wills from among His servants; to test this person and purify them from any sins. The Prophet said: "A pious Muslim's situation is amazing, for it is all good; and this is not for... More
Oct 18, 2024
Are you a good neighbor?
  If you are not giving your neighbors their due rights, then you are missing an important part of your duties as a Muslim.   A neighbor is someone who lives in the same neighborhood as you; he could be a friend, but does not necessarily have to be one. The definition... More
Oct 18, 2024
Racism: a sign of weak faith
  Allah Almighty Says what means: "You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If only the People of the Scripture had believed, it would have been better for them. Among them are believers,... More
Oct 18, 2024
The Way to Reform Society
  Good manners, respecting others, and ensuring their rights result in friendly bonds between people, and removes dislike and grudges from their hearts. In this way the hearts become pure, sympathetic, and kind; so feelings of love and brotherhood prevail. The Messenger of Allah said: “He is not from my nation,... More
Oct 18, 2024
Parents: Precious Blessings in our Life
  Allah, The Almighty, has made our parents the cause of our existence and made them the source of providing us with unparalleled love and a sound upbringing. However, when we grow up, we tend to forget the period of our infancy and childhood and disregard their efforts. What ingratitude can... More
Oct 18, 2024
Hold That Tongue!
  Out of the several ways people harm each other, the harms of the tongue are the most widespread. Harming others by one's tongue is a heinous act that can only be committed by evil people or those who have given in to the evil whispers of Satan.   Some of the... More
Oct 18, 2024
The Muslim is in the shadow of his charity
  Once upon a time, there was a man named Ibn Gud‘aan. He related his story: 'I once went out during the spring and I saw my camels healthy and with big udders that were filled with milk. I looked at my favorite she-camel and told myself that I would offer... More
Oct 18, 2024
A time for strengthening the family bond
  The Prophet said: “No one who severs the ties of kinship will enter Paradise.” [At-Tirmithi]   The religion of Islam places great importance on maintaining the ties of kinship between family members. All Muslims are to show kindness, generosity, and respect toward both their nearest and most distant relatives, whether they... More
Oct 18, 2024
Love Your Brother for the Sake of Allah
  In our contemporary society, friends are made at school, at work, in neighborhoods and even over the Internet. Friends are made and kept for a variety of reasons. People make friends with others who share common interests, hobbies, and even vices. The final goal of a friendship is often simply... More
Oct 18, 2024
Ways we can cope with our own illness-II
  Be confident that Allah knows what is best for you: You should place your trust in Allah and must remember that you do not know the wisdom behind this trial, perhaps it will make you stronger and lead you on a path to a better life. We should never limit... More
Oct 18, 2024
Ways we can cope with our own illness-I
  Always keep in mind that trials are inevitable and people deal with trials in a variety of ways. Allah Says (what means): “And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,... More
Oct 18, 2024
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