The Noble Hadeeth
The healing of honey
  More than 1,400 years ago, Allah All-Mighty told us through His Messenger that honey can heal a variety of medical problems.   Honey is a remarkable viscous liquid, prepared by bees from nectars of various plants. It has occupied a prominent place in traditional medicines throughout history. The ancient Egyptians, Assyrians,... More
Oct 18, 2024
Black Seed (Nigella sativa): A cure for every disease
  Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet said: “Use this Black Seed regularly, because it is a cure for every disease, except death.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]   What is the Black Seed?   Its botanical name is Nigella sativa. It is believed to be indigenous to the Mediterranean region but has been cultivated... More
Oct 18, 2024
The Prophetic Guidance on Perfumes
  If speech is blessed by sending blessings upon the Prophet how could Madeenah not have been blessed during his days, while he inhabited it; he, who refreshed its breeze, perfumed its atmosphere and renewed its fragrance; whose scent preceded him to wherever he went and remained after he had left.... More
Oct 18, 2024
The buzzing of the bees and honey
  “And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct. Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you]." There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in... More
Oct 18, 2024
Miswaak: The natural toothbrush
  The Miswaak was known before Islam, but Islam added a religious perspective to its usage.   The Prophetic guidance:      The Prophet Muhammad recommended Muslims to clean their teeth using a Miswaak every day; especially upon waking up, when performing ablution, before prayer, when reciting the Quran, before sleeping, when entering... More
Oct 18, 2024
Henna and its uses in the past and today
  "The best thing with which to color your gray hair is henna or katm." [Abu Dawood and At-Tirmithi]   Jabir Ibn 'Abdullah narrated that Abu Quhafa, the father of Abu Bakr came on the day of the conquest of Makkah with his hair and beard extremely white. The Prophet said: “Change... More
Oct 18, 2024
The Prophet's remedy for dropsy
  It is narrated in the books of Imams Al-Bukhari and Muslim that Anas Ibn Malik said:   "Some people of (the tribes of) 'Ukl and 'Uraynah came to Al-Madeenah and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of camels reserved for charity,... More
Oct 18, 2024
The Prophet's guidance on treating skin rashes and scabies
  In the books of Imams Al-Bukhari and Muslim it is narrated that Anas said: "The Messenger of Allah has allowed Abdur-Rahman Ibn 'Awf and Az-Zubayr Ibn Al-'Awwam to wear silk garments because of a skin rash they had." In another narration, "Abdur-Rahman Ibn 'Awf and Az-Zubayr Ibn Al-'Awwam complained to... More
Oct 18, 2024
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