Principles & Techniques
Advise with Sincerity and Kindness
  The one who invites others to Allah is from the closest people to Allah our Lord. In addition, Muslims collectively agree on the importance of propagating Islam and inviting people to Allah, and many talk about it being mandatory upon Muslims, and we agree with them, that it is an... More
Sep 18, 2024
Calling to Islam - the duty of every Muslim
  While all the messengers appointed by Allah were charged by Him with the responsibility to disseminate the revealed guidance with which they were entrusted, their respective nations too, were called upon to share in the fulfilment of Allah’s orders. Allah reminds us in the Quran (what means): {And [mention, O... More
Sep 18, 2024
The use of the Internet to propagate Islam - I
  In the beginning of the year 1969 CE, in the state of California, people were able to transfer data between two personal computers which were few metres apart via a telephone line, and this was the first such connection to be established anywhere.   Before this incident, such a link was... More
Sep 18, 2024
The use of the Internet to propagate Islam - II
  Another matter regarding the Internet which is associated with the preconditions of the Hour is the saying of the Prophet as in the book of Imam Ibn Hibban : “Lying will spread.” A liar will be punished in his grave by having his face ripped down to his rectum, because... More
Sep 18, 2024
The use of the Internet to propagate Islam -III
  It is sad to note that when a researcher looks through some of the international libraries available on the Internet in order to find information and references regarding any type of data he requires, he finds what he is looking for indexed in a very accurate manner, but, at the... More
Sep 18, 2024
Directions on giving advice - II
  Manners of giving Naseeha (advice)   · Naseehah is to be given in secret   Naseehah is most likely to bear its fruit when given to a person when he is by himself, for in such a situation the person is less likely to be affected by the thoughts of others. The... More
Sep 18, 2024
In Da‘awah: Violence Begets No Good
  Using gentleness with those who are hoped to embrace Islam is a desirable thing, in order to attract their hearts to it. This is with regards to the disbelievers; what then should the attitude be towards someone who is hoped to make repentance while he is a Muslim who believes... More
Sep 18, 2024
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