Soul Purification
Paths to Paradise
The Practice of Self-Purification - II
  Principles of Tazkiyah   As shown earlier, tazkiyah is a fundamental part of Prophet Muhammad's mission and his life constitutes a unique example of it. Together with his teaching, this example was responsible for altering the lives of his Companions to such an extent that they became the pinnacle and paradigm... More
Sep 22, 2024
The Practice of Self-Purification - III
  4. Lifelong commitment   This principle deals with the question of effectiveness how can we insure that our tazkiyah efforts bear their expected fruits, help us achieve piety, and fulfill our purpose in this life? Allah Almighty gave a hint: "Take what We have given you with determination and remember what... More
Sep 22, 2024
The tremendous teachings of the Prophet, peace be upon him
  There is a large collection of the Prophet's ideas, thoughts, instructions, teachings, beliefs, morals, manners and principles. The greatness and glory of Islam rests upon these ideals. Only a portion of them are listed here.   Purity of self   1. Wise is he who regards himself small, and performs deeds that... More
Sep 22, 2024
Returning to the truth is a virtue
  All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and there should be no aggression except against the oppressors. May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the best of creation and the master of mankind, Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdullah, the Honest and Trustworthy. May Allah permanently confer... More
Sep 22, 2024
Practical steps to help lower the gaze
  Here are some practical steps to control your gaze:   1- First, let us agree upon an issue that greatly affects the way you control your gaze, namely, the issue of the relativity of beauty.   The criteria of beauty vary from one person to another and from one sensibility to another.... More
Sep 22, 2024
Repentance and reliance Increase the believer's blessings
  In the context of Prophet Nooh (Noah) Allah the Almighty Says (what means): {And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers. And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for... More
Sep 22, 2024
Seek forgiveness and do not Despair
  Here is a Qudsi Hadeeth (sacred narration) that gives boundless hope to believers, and it depicts the depth of Almighty Allah's Great Forgiveness and Mercy. The subject of this article is the discussion that is based on this Qudsi Hadeeth that is reffered below.   Anas reported: ‘I heard the Messenger... More
Sep 22, 2024
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