Soul Purification
Paths to Paradise
Why do we delay repentance?
  Repentance is ultimately the goal that we all seek. All sane people are conscious of their numerous sins, and those who believe in Allah and His Messenger recognize that they will be held accountable for their sins, and therefore desire to be free of the evil consequences of their misdeeds.... More
Sep 22, 2024
Knowledge is the Foundation of True Fear
  Fear is the sensation that results from the anticipation of an expected harm; it is also felt when a person loses, or expects to lose something he cherishes. It is the exact opposite of security and can be applied to worldly matters as well as those of the Hereafter. Fear... More
Sep 22, 2024
Contentment is Bliss
  Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqaas, may Allah be pleased with him, traveled to Makkah after he had become blind. Upon his arrival the people hastened to him and kept on asking him to make supplication for them, and he did, as Allah always accepted his supplication. ‘Abdullaah ibn As-Saa’ib, may Allah... More
Sep 22, 2024
The Secrets of Patience
  The meaning of sabr   In the Arabic language, sabr means ‘to hold fast’ ‘cease,’ or ‘choke’. For example, in Bedouin Arabic, to say “one has been killed by sabr,” means one was choked to death. Allah the Most High Says (what means): “And keep yourself patient [by being] with those... More
Sep 22, 2024
Milestones on the path of dutifulness to parents
  There is no doubt that parents play an effective role in preventing their children from being undutiful. As it is known that prevention is better than cure, we advise noble parents who play the greatest role in this important process, to prepare youth and prevent them from being undutiful.   The... More
Sep 22, 2024
The importance of seeking forgiveness
  We should never lose hope or stop asking Allah The Almighty for forgiveness for our sins and mistakes. The importance of seeking forgiveness is shown to us in a narration of the Prophet : O people! Turn to Allah in repentance and seek His forgiveness, for surely I make repentance... More
Sep 22, 2024
Remember the Rich Rewards for Virtuous Deeds - I
  Allah The Almighty repeatedly reminds us to perform various virtuous deeds. He Says (what means): {“Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord.”} [Quran, 57: 21]. Shaykh ibn As-Sa’di said, commenting on this, "One who hastens towards virtuous deeds during his life will therefore also hasten to... More
Sep 22, 2024
Remember the Rich Rewards for Virtuous Deeds - II
  One should always supplicate to Allah The Almighty to enable him to perform good deeds and facilitate them for him, because performing virtuous deeds is a gift from Allah The Almighty which He grants to whomever He wishes from amongst His slaves. Humaam ibn Al-Haarith used to supplicate saying, "O... More
Sep 22, 2024
The crucial role of the heart
  The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah exalt his mention), informed us in a very famous Hadeeth (narration), commonly quoted with reference to what is lawful and what is unlawful, about the important role of the heart. He said: ““What is lawful is clear and what is forbidden is clear, and in... More
Sep 22, 2024
The Different Ranks of People Who Fear Allah
  The Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, and the righteous Salaf, (predecessors) were extremely fearful of Allah, The Almighty. For instance, Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, had two dark lines under his eyes due to the extent of his crying; ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with... More
Sep 22, 2024
Benefits of Seeking Forgiveness
  Do you want to have peace of mind, reassurance, and joy?   You should ask for the forgiveness of Allah, The Almighty. Allah, The Almighty, Says (what means): {And [saying], "Seek Forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him, [and] He Will Let you enjoy a good provision} [Quran 11: 3]... More
Sep 22, 2024
The Absolute Submission
  Allah Says (what means): {And it is not [possible] for one to die except by permission of Allah at a decree determined..} [Quran 3:145]   The eternity we all wish for, Muslim or Non-Muslim, is everlasting life in Heaven, Paradise, the Garden of Eden, the Blue Yonder, whatever you want to... More
Sep 22, 2024
Avoiding Harms of the Tongue
  In today's times, most people tend to be careless about avoiding the harms of the tongue, which are widespread among the people. The following are some of the most common harms:   ● Talking about what does not concern you: This is a common practice, even though the Prophet said: “A... More
Sep 22, 2024
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