Family & Society
How to raise our children
  Cultivation in Islam is very important, for indeed all of the religion is based upon upbringing. It starts, first of all, with our own selves, then with our families, and then with the community at large. But this cultivation is most important with respect to our children, so that they... More
Sep 20, 2024
A Practical Program for Raising Children
  There is no doubt that children are the comfort of one's eyes and a source of happiness. Life becomes pleasant with children on whom one’s hopes are pinned. While the father sees in his children a source of support, aid, and power, the mother sees in them hope, happiness of... More
Sep 20, 2024
It’s all in a hug
  Kids aren't mind readers, but they are capable of reading our body language   When we hear about the tragedies in the world, or about all of the people and children hurt in the worn-torn countries found all around the world; the millions of children who are starving to death or... More
Sep 20, 2024
Be What You Want Your Child To Be
  These are words that should be addressed to parents and mentors in order to achieve a general benefit: Whoever likes his child to be something, should first be that something.   Be a positive role model:   Dear parent, your child is attached to you. You are his role model and leader... More
Sep 20, 2024
Psychological and Emotional Abuse Towards Children
  How is psychological and emotional abuse defined in Islam? What constitutes these emotional scars that cannot be seen on the skin? Emotional abuse is similar to verbal abuse but sometimes it can be a little more twisted and suddenly alarming. It reaches into each fiber of the self-esteem, leaving the... More
Sep 20, 2024
Utilizing the Children's Talent of Memorization
  The child has a clean and pure memory which is not overloaded with problems or troubles like adults. At the same time, it is like an efficient and versatile sharp machine. The child rapidly memorizes and hardly forgets things he commits to memory at an early age. Thus, learning in... More
Sep 20, 2024
Be a Positive Parent
  Have you ever seen your father advising his younger brother to stop smoking?   Have you ever seen your father speaking with the seller about the incorrect scales?   Have you ever seen him participating in a religious competition?   Have you ever seen him preparing a thesis in his area of specialization?... More
Sep 20, 2024
Brilliant Examples of the Pious God-Conscious Child
  Perhaps the title of this article astonishes you, and attracts your sight and attention, and maybe you are now thinking about that unknown child, or, let us say, the child who is unknown not only to you but to many other parents.   A pious God-conscious child! Is it possible that... More
Sep 20, 2024
Our Children and the Quran in Ramadan - I
  Facts and news:   The first piece of news: An eleven-year-old boy from the Croatian capital Zagreb memorized the whole Quran. A Zagreb-based newspaper said that the child, who is still at the primary school, has memorized the whole Quran in five years and that he used to spend four hours... More
Sep 20, 2024
Our Children and Quran in Ramadan - II
  Parents will also receive the greatest reward:   With regard to you, dear fathers and mothers, you will certainly receive a great reward and endless happiness if your child memorizes the Quran. The parents’ efforts to make their child memorize the Quran will not be in vain. Listen to the Prophet... More
Sep 20, 2024
Factors Affecting Physical Growth in Children
  There is no doubt that different aspects of the human personality are integrated and affect each other. They constitute a cohesive unit and cannot be separated except in the field of theoretical study. From the time a person is born until he fully grows up, the different elements of his... More
Sep 20, 2024
Beware of What Causes Behavioral Problems in Children
  There are several causes of behavioral problems and psychological disorders that befall our children, some of which afflict them throughout their lives -- such as introversion, aggression and lying. Some of the following causes are fundamental to most of the problems:   • Bad role models   A child could fall into... More
Sep 20, 2024
Who is in Charge at Home?
  Who is in charge at home?   This is question that poses itself in an atmosphere where people have turned away from Allah The Almighty, and among families that do not know anything about Islam except its name and do not know anything about the Quran except its script.   It is... More
Sep 20, 2024
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