Family & Society
How to respect your parents
  A. Introduction:   There are many days set aside in non-Islamic societies to honour and appreciate special people; examples of these are Father's Day, Mother's Day, Memorial Day and Labour Day. In Islam, however, respecting, honouring and appreciating parents is not just for a single day of the year, but rather... More
Sep 20, 2024
Moral Power and Building the Child's Morals - I
  To develop the proper conduct of the child, you should teach him the duties that he has to do, and this takes place by being a role model and by sound upbringing and guidance.   The child will not learn to be truthful except from a truthful educator.   The child will... More
Sep 20, 2024
Children's Names: Between Destruction and Construction
  Islam greatly cares for the Muslim child and the creation of the units of sound upbringing from which he grows and is nurtured and which contain all the factors of righteousness which help the child to be righteous and pious as Allah The Almighty ordered His slaves. Such care encompasses... More
Sep 20, 2024
Combating Fear Among Our Children - I
  After the party   Dr. Ahmad and his family returned home after a long party in the house of a family friend on the occasion of the children's success.   Exhausted, the parents entered their room to sleep.   Not wanting to sleep, both Hasan and Husayn, young twins, sat in their room... More
Sep 20, 2024
Building the Child's Moral Strength - II
  Importance of a role model in building morals:   Dear person who assumes the upbringing process, Anas ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, who lived with the best role model in terms of morality, narrated how he had experienced this in the character of the beloved Prophet .   Anas,... More
Sep 20, 2024
Combating Fear Among Our Children - II
  A Dialogue with a Teacher   After the lesson was over, the mother of Hasan and Husayn went quickly to the teacher and thanked her for that knowledge, and asked her to give her some time to speak with her, and she welcomed the request.   The mother sat with the teacher... More
Sep 20, 2024
The importance of reading to your child
  By reading to our children we not only teach them that learning is fun, we show them by our own example.   Allah Almighty Says (what means): “…Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees…”[Quran 58: 11]   While it is true that... More
Sep 20, 2024
Kids listen to our every deed
  How many times have you told your kids to change their clothes/brush their teeth/do their homework/or anything else for that matter? There is really no right answer because there is really no limit to the number of times we have to ask our kids to do something.   For most of... More
Sep 20, 2024
Be a Logical and Motivating Parent
  Father: I told you to clean your room.‎   Child: But I don't know how to do that!   Father: I said clean the room! Don't you understand? Does ‎this need any explanation? ‎You are old enough and you ‎can do this by yourself. If you clean your room, I will buy... More
Sep 20, 2024
How to teach our kids Tawheed
  When we want to teach our kids Tawheed (i.e. Islamic monotheism) should we have to read classical texts and books in this regard?   No, this is not needed in the early stages of their lives because this requires long hours of attentiveness and hard work, which is difficult for children.... More
Sep 20, 2024
Nourish Your Child's Body and Mind
  As parents, we try to protect our children from anything and everything that we feel may harm them. We warn them of the dangers of strangers; we teach them the importance of safety on the playground and during other outdoor activities; we caution them about crossing the street. But how... More
Sep 20, 2024
The significance of obedience to parents
  Islam builds a family in which prevails mutual respect and care. Parents and children in Islam are bound together by mutual obligations and reciprocal arrangements. Allah Says (what means): “…No mother should be harmed through her child, and no father through his child…” [Quran 2: 233]   The Quran has made... More
Sep 20, 2024
The mother of my child
  I'm not a mother. But I've been blessed with a great one for almost a quarter century. That's education enough, at least for one thing:   Choosing a partner who embodies the top four qualities I believe a mother must have to help their Muslim children, in the words of the... More
Sep 20, 2024
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