Current Affairs
Muslim Minorities
Thousands of Rohingya missing en route to Malaysia
  Thousands of Rohingya boat people who have left Myanmar in the past month have yet to reach their destinations, say relatives and an advocacy group for the persecuted minority, raising fears their boats have been prevented from reaching shore.   About 12,000 Rohingya, a mostly stateless Muslim people, have left the... More
Sep 19, 2024
UN calls for 'full Rohingya citizenship'
  The UN General Assembly has approved a resolution urging Myanmar to provide "full citizenship'' to its Rohingya Muslim minority and to allow them to move freely throughout the country.   The resolution adopted by consensus on Monday, stressed the assembly's "serious concern'' about the government's treatment of the Rohingyas, sending a... More
Sep 19, 2024
UN: Muslims ethnically cleansed in CAR
  Christian militias in Central African Republic have carried out ethnic cleansing of the Muslim population during the country's ongoing civil war, but there is no proof there was genocidal intent, a United Nations commission of inquiry has said.   "Thousands of people died as a result of the conflict. Human rights... More
Sep 19, 2024
Islamophobic attacks increase rapidly in France
  At least 116 Islamophobic attacks on Muslims in France have been reported within two weeks of the Charlie Hebdo killings in Paris, the National Observatory Against Islamophobia said Monday.   According to the France-based observatory’s head Abdallah Zekri, attacks against Muslims in the country increased rapidly following the attack on the... More
Sep 19, 2024
Italian Muslims aggressively monitored
  Wikileaks cables dated from 2005 reveal that the Muslim population were aggressively monitored with classified documents based on a private lunch at the US ambassador’s residence and involved the then Italian Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu and Italy's Chief of Police Giovanni De Gennaro.   The documents reveal that in the years... More
Sep 19, 2024
Muslim population in England and Wales growing
  Muslim population in England and Wales grows 75% in 10 years. More children and fewer elderly people help Muslim population grow faster than population overall, analysis of latest census data shows.   The Muslim population of England and Wales almost doubled over a 10-year period, a new study reveals. The Muslim... More
Sep 19, 2024
80% of Uighur Muslims without water
  A water conservation project in a remote area of China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) begun two decades ago has yet to bring clean drinking water to the area, with only 750,000 people have access to clean water.   According to a joint report by the Water Conservancy Office of southwestern... More
Sep 19, 2024
Converts to Islam increase after French attack
  According to a news article in 5pillarsuk.com, the number of people accepting Islam in France has increased significantly after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, with imams reporting a growing number of people coming to take the Shahada at mosques.   “It makes me want to go to Islam and to show everyone... More
Sep 19, 2024
Despair prevails on Crimea on anniversary of Russian annexation
  A year after the Russian annexation of Crimea on Feb. 28, 2014, Crimean Tatars are still facing human rights abuses by Russian authorities. As the mistreatment of the defenseless minority has incessantly continued, the Crimean Turks Culture and Solidarity Association organized demonstrations on Saturday to protest Russian annexation of Crimea.... More
Sep 19, 2024
China's Uighurs look towards Turkey for help
  In recent months, cafes in Istanbul's working-class Zeytinburnu neighborhood have begun to attract growing numbers of young, ethnic Uighur men. Some speak quietly - wary of a rumored network of Chinese informants - about politics in their homeland, China's Xinjiang Province.   "We were tortured and starved there," said Yusuf, now... More
Sep 19, 2024
The tip of the iceberg: 26 bodies in Thai camp
  The director of an NGO focusing on the plight of Muslim Arakan says the discovery of a labor camp in southern Thailand containing the graves of 26 bodies is “purely the tip of the iceberg.”   “If they would search forest areas along the Malaysian border, they would find hundreds of... More
Sep 19, 2024
French mayor investigated for counting Muslim students
  An investigation has been launched against Robert Menard, the far right mayor of the town of Beziers, in southern France, over a statement on his keeping files on the number of Muslim students in his town, according to French media.   The probe, announced on Tuesday by Beziers prosecutor Yvon Calvet,... More
Sep 19, 2024
Venice’s Biennale fair features ‘mosque’ inside church
  A Swiss-Icelandic artist has launched a mosque installation at an old church as part of the 56th Biennale art fair in the Italian city of Venice, local media reports said Sunday.   According to the artist Christoph Buchel, 48, his installation titled “The Mosque: The First Mosque in the Historic City... More
Sep 19, 2024
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