Current Affairs
Muslim Minorities
The Hidden Genocide
  Earlier this year a Buddhist woman was raped and murdered in western Myanmar. The authorities ‘charged’ three Muslim men.   A week later, 10 Muslims were murdered in a revenge attack. What happened next was hidden from the outside world.   Bloodshed pitted Buddhists against minority Rohingya Muslims. Many Rohingya fled their... More
Sep 19, 2024
Rohingya refugees import 'mail-order' brides
  Young men who have found refuge in Malaysia after fleeing violence in Myanmar are covertly getting brides from home.   Shamsul Alam, has dabbled as a tailor's assistant and construction worker since fleeing to Malaysia from his native Rakhine State in Myanmar.   He recalls bitterly his grueling 12-14 hour work days... More
Sep 19, 2024
Burmese officials filled mass graves with Muslims
  Burmese security forces organized and stood guard over Buddhist attacks on Muslim settlements before burying scores of bodies, some with their hands tied behind their backs, in mass graves, Human Rights Watch said in a report today.   Evidence of official involvement in the massacres that left hundreds dead was gathered... More
Sep 19, 2024
Lives in limbo: Displaced Muslims in Myanmar
  Rights groups say the Rohingya in predominantly Buddhist Myanmar face some of the worst discrimination in the world.   On a sweltering Sunday afternoon, Roma Hattu was rolling around on the bare concrete floor of the abandoned single-story building her family shares with three others behind Thetkepyin camp, breathing heavily and... More
Sep 19, 2024
UK Muslims face far-right revenge attacks
  The murder of a UK soldier has led to a spike in hate crimes targeting Muslims.   British Muslims fear they could become “sitting targets” for far-right violence following a spate of attacks on mosques and a spike in other reported hate incidents in the week since the murder of a... More
Sep 19, 2024
Ban on Palestinians living with spouses in Israel
  When Israeli Arabs search for a spouse, they don't just worry about looks, job prospects or future in-laws. They must think about whether their partner will be allowed to live with them.   The problem is — many Israeli Arabs, who are ethnically Palestinians, want to marry Palestinians from the West... More
Sep 19, 2024
East Turkistan enters Ramadan under strict measures
  Following last week's incidents killing 35 in East Turkistan (Uyghur Autonomous Region), Muslims enter the holy month of Ramadan under strict security measures.   With the increased security measures throughout the region, the central grand bazaar of the capital Urumchi isn't that much lively. Several Muslims in the capital are busy... More
Sep 19, 2024
Massacre reports put Rohingya on the run
  In the dusty Burmese village of Thet Kay Pyin, Rosia sits tending to her elderly, disabled mother on the floor of a dark bamboo hut. Eighty-year-old Feroza cannot feed herself, speak, or even sit up. Without Rosia's care she would be utterly helpless.   The two women, both Rohingya Muslims, live... More
Sep 19, 2024
Iranian Sunnis complain of discrimination
  In a recent speech made in Iran's southern city of Bandar Abbas, President Hassan Rouhani asserted that his government has promised equal rights to Shia and Sunni Iranians.   But human rights groups claim that Sunni Muslims' rights are being systematically violated in Iran. New York-based Human Rights Watch has said... More
Sep 19, 2024
Crimean Tatars refuse to participate in referendum
  As Crimea’s parliament has voted to officially recognize the Tatar language to guarantee proportional representation in the republic’s legislative, the Crimean Tatars still refuse to participate in the referendum, which could have the region join Russia.   According to the new act, the Crimean Tatar National Assembly and its bodies will... More
Sep 19, 2024
Myanmar's Rohingya face a humanitarian crisis
  Ruk and Kun Suma were born five minutes apart on March 27 in a camp for displaced Rohingya in Rakhine State, a northwestern province of Myanmar. Their mother, an emaciated 40-year-old woman named Noor Begun, suffers from tuberculosis and is unable to breastfeed them. The family cannot afford milk either.... More
Sep 19, 2024
Crimean Tatars still insecure on anniversary of deportation
  Crimean Tatars commemorated on Sunday the 70th anniversary of their mass deportation under Soviet leader Josef Stalin, but feel insecure once again after Russia's annexation of Crimea in March through a controversial referendum.   Stalin had accused the Tatars of collaborating with the German occupiers and exiled them to Central Asia... More
Sep 19, 2024
China jails Imams in mass crackdown
  China has imprisoned almost two dozen people - mostly Muslim religious leaders - in the western region of Xinjiang, in a stepped up crackdown on "illegal religious activities", Chinese media reported.   The 22 Imams were given prison terms ranging from five to 16 years at a mass public sentencing in... More
Sep 19, 2024
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