Current Affairs
Muslim Minorities
Ogaden Somalis file Ethiopia ICC complaint
  The Ogaden Somali Community in South Africa has filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC), urging an investigation into the actions of the Ethiopian government against the Ogaden people.   In a statement released on Tuesday on behalf of the community, a South African media advocacy group, Muslim Review... More
Sep 19, 2024
Deadly drones come to the Muslims of the Philippines
  Early last month, Tausug villagers on the Southern Philippine island of Jolo heard a buzzing sound not heard before. It is a sound familiar to the people of Waziristan who live along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, where the United States fights the Taliban. It was the dreaded drone, which arrives... More
Sep 19, 2024
Israel’s second-class citizens
  Israeli authorities have basically ignored a court order in June 2011 to provide Bedouin communities with water, just as Jewish Israelis are.   Between 80,000 and 90,000 Bedouin citizens of Israel live in unrecognized villages in the southern Negev, according to a report by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.... More
Sep 19, 2024
Amnesty International finds anti-Muslim bias in Europe
  Human rights group Amnesty International says Muslims who openly show their faith suffer widespread discrimination in Europe.   In a new report, the group urges Europe's governments to do more to challenge negative stereotypes and prejudices against Muslims.   In particular, it says Muslims face exclusion from jobs and education for wearing... More
Sep 19, 2024
Rohingya: Stateless and 'Friendless' in Myanmar
  Decades of discrimination have left the Muslim Rohingya stateless, scattered around the globe and viewed by the United Nations as among the most persecuted minorities on the planet.   About 800,000 Rohingya live in Myanmar, according to the UN, mostly in western Rakhine state, which has been swept by fierce sectarian... More
Sep 19, 2024
‘Democracy’ and slaughter in Burma
  By Ramzy Baroud   While Western corporations are lining up leach Burma's natural resources, the "promise" of democracy now at hand, no one is talking about the genocidal violence the country's Muslim Rohingyas are facing.   The widespread killings of Rohingya Muslims in Burma (or Myanmar) have received only passing and dispassionate... More
Sep 19, 2024
Scant compassion for Muslim Rohingya refugees
  Entering the Rohingya camps along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border is restricted.   Officially they don't even exist, but in reality authorities ‘tolerate’ their presence. Bangladeshi official say there are about 300,000 unregistered Muslim Rohingya refugees from Myanmar living in dismal and squalid conditions with no electricity or drinking water and restricted from... More
Sep 19, 2024
Report blasts Myanmar treatment of Rohingya
  Myanmar security forces have killed, raped or carried out mass arrests of Rohingya Muslims after deadly sectarian riots in the northeast in June, a rights group has said, adding the authorities had done little to prevent the initial unrest.   Aid workers were blocked and in some cases arrested in a... More
Sep 19, 2024
'Mass graves' for Myanmar's Rohingya
  A recent journey to western Myanmar has revealed a provincial capital divided by hatred and thousands of its Muslim residents terrorized by what they say is a state-sponsored campaign to segregate the population along ethno-sectarian lines.   Decades-old tension between ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims in coastal Rakhine state exploded... More
Sep 19, 2024
Attacks on US Muslims creates Eid worry
  Religious sites targeted before holiday, as congressman says 'radical' Muslims 'try to kill Americans every week'.   On Thursday, a Palestinian American was visiting his father's grave at Muslim cemetery in Evergreen Park, a suburb southwest of Chicago, when he noticed graffiti written on the tombstones.   Anti-Muslim graffiti were written on... More
Sep 19, 2024
Nobody's people in a no-man's land
  In November 2007, Rohingya refugee Ali Ashraf paid dubious agents in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar town for a place in a big boat that was to take him to Malaysia via Thailand for a "good job" and a "secure future".   Three weeks later, after a perilous journey across the choppy waters... More
Sep 19, 2024
The harsh reality of China's Muslim divide
  The Muslim Hui are an anomaly in China, an ethnic minority granted significant autonomy and allowed to devoutly follow their religion in a region where Islam thrives.   The ancient Silk Road trade route cut through what is today the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, luring Muslim traders from afar. Descendants of... More
Sep 19, 2024
Rohingya refugees streaming to Malaysia
  When 27-year-old Najumul Haq took to sea for the first time, he left behind all that he had ever known.   Najumul is a Rohingya, born in Myanmar. For years, his family had run a sundry shop in the town of Maungdaw, on the country's western coast close to the border... More
Sep 19, 2024
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