Family & Society
When Children Lie
  Lying is the intentionally supplying of false information. On the other hand, when a person says something that is untrue, that he actually believes to be true, he has made a mistake. In this case, he may be misguided or uninformed, but not lying.   A lot of what a child... More
Sep 20, 2024
Children’s Lying - II
  The most common type of lie:   Surveys show that the most common type of lie amongst children is the one used as a protective measure, with seventy percent (70%) of the children who lie doing it, while ten percent (10%) do it due to misconceptions and twenty percent (20%) due... More
Sep 20, 2024
Children’s Lying - I
  Outline:   • The role of the family in teaching the child how to lie.   • The role of the community in teaching the child how to lie.   • The types of lying:   1) Lying due to imagination.   2) Lying due to misconception.   3) Lying by making false claims.   4) Lying... More
Sep 20, 2024
Daughters in Islam - II
  The fruit of raising daughters righteously is reward in this life before reward in the Hereafter; this is proved by the fact that Allah rewarded the righteous man who raised his two daughters virtuously, the result being Him facilitating the marriage of one of them to the honourable Prophet, Moosa... More
Sep 20, 2024
Daughters in Islam - I
  Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; He creates what He wills. He gives to whom He wills female [children], and He gives to whom He wills males. Or He makes them [both] males and females, and He renders whom... More
Sep 20, 2024
The True Faith
  The Arabic word, 'Eeman' literally means, “to know,” “to believe,” to put one’s trust in something or someone.” In Sharee'ah (Islamic Law), the word Eeman means putting one’s entire reliance on, and having complete trust in Allah, His Prophet and His message.   Therefore, one who puts his entire trust in... More
Sep 20, 2024
What does Ramadan Mean to Our Children?
  What does Ramadan mean to our children? What wonderful benefits do our children get from Ramadan? Like sponges they may only be listening to the long list of "exciting" foods we are going to cook and whom we are going to invite.   Sending greeting cards and e-mail invitations. Of course... More
Sep 20, 2024
The Mind-Set of a Muslim Child
  The Missing Dimension in Educational Methods: The Sentimental Education   The sentimental education pertains to the person's feelings, which form all sides of the integrated human personality.   Sentiment is a word given to any sense of pleasure or pain, as well as to certain psychological states within the sphere of pleasure... More
Sep 20, 2024
Developing the Child's Sentiments - I
  1) Teach values to your children:   The Islamic Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) came to direct people to the most upright way, and guide them to the straight path, which conveys them to the happiness of both the World and the Hereafter. The good manners mentioned and referred to by the Quran... More
Sep 20, 2024
Developing the Child's Sentiments - II
  - Chastity and Sincerity   Allah The Almighty mentioned in His Book that one of the characteristics of the faithful believers is their refraining from committing what is unlawful. He Says (what means): {And they who guard their private parts except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for... More
Sep 20, 2024
Easy Tips to a Sound Upbringing
  Dear parent, how do you imagine the successful way of upbringing to be?   In other words, what is your view of the proper way to discipline the behavior of your child?   I think that discipline in your point of view is the way which obliges our children to submit to... More
Sep 20, 2024
How Children Receive Ramadan
  Laying down the book I looked up at Tessniem. "OK, so what are we going to do this Ramadan?" Her cheerful face lit up. "Paint the windows." Looking at my pretty white sheers I forced my head to nod. "OK, what else do we do during Ramadan?" Omar jumped off... More
Sep 20, 2024
Make Your Mark
  When we're little, our parents are our heroes. We look up to them and get impressed by everything they do. We watch their every move and try to follow them. In our rooms, we play house; we pretend that we're cooking, cleaning, even raising our own (Cabbage Patch) kids.   We're... More
Sep 20, 2024
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