Current Affairs
Islamic World
Syrian abuses are 'crimes against humanity'
  The nature and scale of human rights abuses by Syrian security forces in the crackdown on anti-government protesters over the past two months could qualify as crimes against humanity, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said.   In a statement released on Wednesday, the New York-based rights body said interviews with victims... More
Sep 19, 2024
The price of return
  The May 15 Nakba protests took a toll on one family in particular, losing a son who made the ultimate sacrifice.   Seventeen-year-old Mohammed al-Saleh grew up in Burj al-Shemali refugee camp in south Lebanon, caring little about politics and more about sport. However, when it came to Palestine, Mohamed's 16-year-old... More
Sep 19, 2024
"Massacre": Yemeni forces kill 20 protesters as sit-in smashed
  Forces loyal to the embattled Yemeni president killed 20 protesters as they dispersed a sit-in in Taez, an organizer said on Monday.   Security service agents backed by army and Republican Guard troops stormed the protest against President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Freedom Square in the centre of Yemen's second-largest city... More
Sep 19, 2024
Libyan kids maimed by war remnants
  On May 31, 2011, UNICEF Communication Specialist Rebecca Fordham boarded the relief boat carrying two boys injured from explosive remnants of the war in Libya. She also participated in workshops to raise awareness and protect children from these horrific weapons of war in the conflict-affected eastern Libya. This is her... More
Sep 19, 2024
Israel escalates demolitions of Palestinian homes in West Bank
  Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has issued a new report detailing the government’s dramatic escalation in the number of Palestinian home demolitions in the Jordan Valley, part of the eastern West Bank.   According to the report, the Israeli government has demolished 103 homes there so far this year, after 86... More
Sep 19, 2024
Syrian forces 'ordered to shoot to kill'
  Defectors of Syria’s security forces have described receiving orders from their superiors to fire live rounds at protesters to disperse them, according to Human Rights Watch.   The New York-based rights body released a statement on Saturday detailing interviews with eight soldiers and four members of secret security agencies it said... More
Sep 19, 2024
Hidden bombs hit Libyans
  The conflict in Libya will continue to take its toll on communities long after the war has ended as long as hidden bombs remain scattered across public areas.   Fifteen-year-old Misrata resident Mohammed lost most of his left hand and sustained shrapnel injuries to his abdomen in April after an unexploded... More
Sep 19, 2024
Syria: Violence in the dark
  When widespread protests broke out in Syria in March, President Bashar al-Assad's regime turned to its feared security services to smother the anti-government movement.   The bloody response has so far succeeded where other attempts to put down the "Arab awakening" have failed, and President Assad remains in power.   Verifying the... More
Sep 19, 2024
168 Children Murdered by US Drones
  The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) last month began to publish their findings in a study of the U.S. drone war in Pakistan. The study found that much higher rates of civilian casualties had resulted from the U.S. drone war than had been admitted by the government or than had... More
Sep 19, 2024
Kashmir: The forgotten conflict
  Since the partition of India and Pakistan, Kashmir's voice has been largely ignored.   It's a question as old as you want it to be, but one that it is alive today, six decades after the decolonization of the Indian subcontinent left Kashmir divided between India and Pakistan, clearly suggesting that... More
Sep 19, 2024
Horrors in Hama
  A trainee doctor tells of the bloodshed he witnessed during the Syrian army's siege of the city of Hama.   The three young men were running to the Horany hospital to give blood when several shots rang out and 18-year-old Talha Khamees fell to the ground, his own dark blood spilling... More
Sep 19, 2024
Survivor tells of mass killing
  From inside a makeshift prison across the street from Muammar Gaddafi’s compound, Osama Mansour el-Hadi listened to the beginning of the end.   It was Tuesday, and opposition forces had begun to overrun the sprawling 6km-square complex, known as the Bab al-Aziziya, where Gaddafi’s palace and the homes of his innermost... More
Sep 19, 2024
Fatal torture 'widespread' in Syrian jails
  Amnesty International says it has documented the cases of 88 people who have died in Syrian prisons since anti-government protests began in the country.   Citing footage of victims before burial provided by families and activists, the UK-based rights group said there was evidence of torture and abuse.   Injuries identified by... More
Sep 19, 2024
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