Islamic Etiquette
Intermixing between non-mahram men and women
  Intermixing between women and non-mahram (marriageable) men occurs in some communities without being considered a problem, under the pretext that it is the custom of their fathers and grandfathers and that their intentions are good. In such communities, you see the woman sitting with her husband’s brother or her sister’s... More
Oct 18, 2024
Individual Responsibilities in Islam
  In this article I will deal with some personal responsibilities of the individual throughout his life. Fulfilling these responsibilities can lead to the formation of a well-established individual, family, and eventually a society where peace, and tranquility prevail and where the utmost purpose (the pleasure of Allah) is obtained.   The... More
Oct 18, 2024
Attire and adornment – II
  A Muslim is encouraged to adorn himself when going to the Mosque. The Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever performs Ghusl (i.e., a ritual bath) on Friday, wears from the best of his clothing, goes to the Mosque, does not step over people’s heads (in trying to reach the front rows)... More
Oct 18, 2024
Call yourself to account - I
  Calling ourselves to account is what frees the soul from being captive to its desires and lusts; it frees it from the darkness of misguidance and maintains it upon the Straight Path. Allah encourages the Muslims to do this by saying (what means): “O you who have believed! Fear Allah.... More
Oct 18, 2024
Attire and adornment – I
  Allah Says what means: “O children of Adam! We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment. But the clothing of righteousness — that is best. That is from the signs of Allah that perhaps they will remember.” [Quran 7: 26]   One of the visible... More
Oct 18, 2024
Etiquette related to dressing
  A Muslim acknowledges that Allah has ordered him to wear clothing in the verse (which means):"O Children of Adam! Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while praying and going round the Ka'bah, and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance. Certainly, He (Allah) likes not the extravagant."[Quran... More
Oct 18, 2024
Our Highly Economical Home - I
  The economics of a Muslim home are based upon a group of values and foundations that distinguish it from any other home; and these are:   * Observance of the advice of the Messenger, , to not look longingly at those that are greater than us in provisions, for he, ,... More
Oct 18, 2024
Our Highly Economical Home - II
  Methods to Economize on Electrical Appliances:   Allah The Exalted has bestowed knowledge upon humans and as a result of this knowledge there are modern inventions that have made chores easier, resulting in greatly reducing human exertion, thereby freeing up time for other things.   Therefore, electrical appliances should be maintained and... More
Oct 18, 2024
On self-examination
  In the Quran, Allah Says (what means): {We will set up the scales of justice for the day of resurrection, and no soul shall be treated unjustly at all. And if there is [even] the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it forth. And sufficient are We as... More
Oct 18, 2024
Knowledge in Islam and how to seek it
  In this article we’ll try to shed some light on knowledge from Islamic perspective. Generally speaking, the Arabic word for knowledge is 'ilm, which, in most cases, indicates to Islamic knowledge or matters related to Sheree’ah (Islamic Law). Although, some of the Quranic verses in this article refer to Islamic... More
Oct 18, 2024
A Gleam on the Way
  How effective was the first generation of the Ummah (Islamic Nation)?   What is the importance of positivity in the life of a Muslim?   How has the Quran recorded this effectiveness?   These are important and serious questions about the value of positivity and effectiveness and what they represented in the life... More
Oct 18, 2024
Handling the Pain in Our Neck
  We all have stresses and burdens in our daily lives. Whether it is school or work or just the trials of life, we carry much on our shoulders. Some of us carry our own loads and some of us carry loads that we share with others health problems, personal family... More
Oct 18, 2024
Following the Salaf in Taking Ourselves to Account
  Our Salaf (righteous predecessors) would admonish themselves and hold themselves to account, while we on the other hand, who are far worthier of such reproach, are utterly heedless of this, despite committing actions that are destructive and despite being afflicted with diseases of the heart and soul that require major... More
Oct 18, 2024
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