Islamic History
The caliphate of 'Uthmaan -IV
  Edict of Uthmaan, 34 AH   On the occasion of Hajj, 'Uthmaan bin 'Affaan, may Allah be pleased with him, announced his readiness to listen to complaints among the governors. Thus, following his orders, all the governors reached Makkah. In accordance with 'Abdullaah bin Saba’s scheme, his followers too set out... More
Sep 19, 2024
The caliphate of 'Uthmaan -V
  Abu ‘Ayyoob Al-Ansaari leads the Prayer   In the wake of his inability to come to the mosque, the Caliph appointed Abu ‘Ayyoob Al-Ansaari, may Allah be pleased with him, to do the job. However, after a few days, Al-Ghaafiqi bin Harb, the chief of the rioters, started leading the prayers.... More
Sep 19, 2024
The caliphate of Abu Bakr -I
  Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, became the Caliph on June 8, 632 CE and he died on August 23, 634 CE. The period of his Caliphate covers two years, two months and fifteen days only. Judged by the usual standards, this period was too short to make... More
Sep 19, 2024
The caliphate of Abu Bakr -II
  When Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, became the Caliph in 632 CE, the Islamic State was threatened with disunity and chaos. Within a year, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, was strong enough to attack the Persian Empire in the north-east and the Byzantine Empire... More
Sep 19, 2024
The caliphate of 'Ali -IV
  The story of arbitration:   The battle of Siffeen ended with arbitration. 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, accepted arbitration and returned to Koofah. Mu'aawiya, may Allah be pleased with him returned to Shaam (an area that included Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and parts of Iraq. They agreed that arbitration... More
Sep 19, 2024
The caliphate of 'Ali -III
  The battle of Siffeen (37 A.H.):   After the Battle of the Camel, 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, prepared for fighting the people of Shaam (an area that used to include, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and parts of Iraq). He, may Allah be pleased with him, said: Mu'aawiya should... More
Sep 19, 2024
The caliphate of 'Ali -II
  The battle of the Camel (Al-Jamal)   'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, headed to Koofah from Al-Madeenah, when he heard that fighting broke out between 'Uthmaan Ibn Hunayf, his governor in Basrah, and the army of Talhah and Az-Zubayr, may Allah be pleased with them. 'Ali organized a ten... More
Sep 19, 2024
Precious Pearls: Umm Shurayk
  Have you heard about the pearl whose name is Umm Shurayk, may Allah be pleased with her? She was one of the early converts to Islam along with her husband. Come and attentively hear what she says. She relates her story by herself and says,   When I embraced Islam, I... More
Sep 19, 2024
The story of Heraclius’ encounter with Islam
  All perfect praise is due to Allah; I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger; may Allah exalt his mention, as well as his family and all his companions.   'Abdullaah ibn 'Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated:... More
Sep 19, 2024
The Ansaar and Us
  Their sacrifices were immense and their faith stunning.   The name of Ansaar never fails to evoke undertones of sacrifice, submission, and love of Allah The Most High and His Messenger and warm sentiments of appreciation in our hearts. There is much for us to learn from their lives. Is there... More
Sep 19, 2024
The Caliphate of 'Ali -I
  Bay'ah (oath of allegiance) of caliphate:   A week after the martyrdom of 'Uthmaan Ibn Affaan, may Allah be pleased with him, Bay'ah (oath of allegiance) was taken on Thul-Hijjah 25, 35 AH, at the hands of 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, in Al-Madeenah. Following the martyrdom of 'Uthmaan... More
Sep 19, 2024
The best generations were the best to their parents
  The early generations of Islam were the forerunners of the Muslim nation since they excelled in all aspects of the religion: in their acts of worship as well as their etiquette and manners with the people around them.   They were especially devoted to their parents, as Aa،ishah recalled, "Two of... More
Sep 19, 2024
Why Islamic History - II
  By: Uwaymir Anjun   Remarkably, the chapter of Al-‘Araaf, the Heights, the seventh chapter of the Noble Quran, has for its theme the topic that we are con¬cerned with here, that is, history. Or more precisely, it is about the manifestation of Allah's message of Tawheed, monotheism, in history and the... More
Sep 19, 2024
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