Making up missed days of Fasting
     ‘ath said: "Verily, Allah made the fast obligatory upon the Prophet by revealing the following verse. Allah Says (what means): {O you who believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you ... [Quran 2:183] {And upon those who are able [to fast, but... More
Sep 19, 2024
Nullifiers of Fasting
  The following acts, when done knowingly and deliberately in the days of Ramadan, will invalidate the fast. In addition to being considered great sins, a person committing one of these acts will have to continue fasting the rest of the day that he/she committed it, and he/she is also required... More
Sep 19, 2024
Common Mistakes during Fasting
  Imam As-San'ani said: "The narration is evidence to exaggerate the sniffing when not fasting. Exaggeration is forbidden when fasting in case something comes down the throat and ruins the fasting."   Another narration says: "Whoever does a deed, not in our religion, is rejected." In addition, the Quran and Sunnah stated... More
Sep 19, 2024
Spiritual and physical well-being through Fasting
  Imam As-Suyooti has reported that Al-Harith Ibn Kalda stated that: "Imposing abstinence from food" was the essence of medicine. Fasting, in medical terms, may mean a variety of things.   Research has shown that fasting can improve the control of diabetes. Another study has shown that fasting improved the health of... More
Sep 19, 2024
Fasting children and the role of the parents
  The practice and spirit of fasting should be engrained in children so that it comes natural and effortless for them as they reach adulthood.   The month of Ramadan is a time of excitement, socializing, and devotion. As we take care of the spiritual and social part of ourselves during this... More
Sep 19, 2024
Longing for Ramadan - I
  Recognising and appreciating the great favours of Allah, among which are the virtues of certain seasons and the opportunity of worshipping Allah during them:   Imam Ibn Rajab said: “Allah has made some months more virtuous than others just as He has made some days and nights more virtuous than others;... More
Sep 19, 2024
Longing for Ramadan - II
  Make the month of Ramadan be the beginning of a new life, full of obedience and virtue; make it be the start of your maintenance of prayers in the Masjid; make a pledge now to never again abandon even a single Salah (prayer); forget the notion that you cannot wake... More
Sep 19, 2024
Wisdom of Allah (The Sustainer) in Enjoining Fasting
     The religion of Islam contains all benefits, and Sharee’ah enjoins everything that is beneficial. Islam is based on wisdom and benefiting people. Imam Al-Baidawi stated in his book “Al-Minhaj”: “Evidence indicates that Allah, the Almighty, prescribed all His rulings to benefit His servants.” (p. 233) Real jurisprudence means knowing... More
Sep 19, 2024
The Significance of Fasting
  Fasting, is abstaining from eating, drinking and coitus from daybreak to sunset as a devotional ritual. Allah, the Almighty Says in the Noble Quran (what means):    [Imam Al-Bukhari]   : "I am fasting." [Imam Al-Bukhari] By this, as though the fasting person says: "It is because I am fasting, I... More
Sep 19, 2024
Objectives of Fasting
  All perfect praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah his family, his Companions, and those who follow his guidance.   Allah, the Almighty, enjoined fasting on His servants not to make them suffer, nor that He, the Almighty benefits from their fasting, as He... More
Sep 19, 2024
"He Who Provides a Fasting Person with Some Food to Break Fast, Earns the Same Reward as One Who Has Observed Fast "
  Zaid ibn Khalid Al-Juhani reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “He who provides a fasting person with something to break his fast, will earn the same reward as the one who was observing the fast, without diminishing in any way the reward of the latter.” [Reported by At-Tirmidhi, Ibn... More
Sep 19, 2024
Ramadan and Repentance
  One of the greatest blessings which Allah bestows upon His servants is that He gives them an opportunity to turn to Him in repentance. He also made repentance a safe resort and secure refuge which is sought by sinners, who confess their sins, hope for Allah’s mercy, and regret for... More
Sep 19, 2024
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