Family & Society
A Day in the Life of a Muslim Woman - I
  Normal and everyday activities become acts of worship if they are done for the sake of pleasing Allah. The regular and consistent deeds are the best among these deeds. `Aa`ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said that Allah’s Messenger said: "The deeds most loved by Allah are those done... More
Sep 20, 2024
A Day in the Life of a Muslim Woman - II
  Afternoon   Preparing a healthy lunch.   Performing Thuhr prayer   (4 Rak'ah of Sunnah, 4 Rak'ah Fard, and 2 Rak'ah Sunnah)   Regarding the Sunnah prayer, `Aa`ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: "When the Prophet used to be in my house, he would offer four Sunnah Rak’ahs before Thuhr, then he... More
Sep 20, 2024
Kinship Rights - II
  A scholar relates that the father-in-law of one of his students would come to him and say bad things about that student. He would accuse him of having done horrible, mischievous acts. The student did not know that his father-in-law would complain about him to his Shaykh. The father-in-law would... More
Sep 20, 2024
Kinship Rights-I
  In this article, we will discuss a great and noble duty that Allah The Almighty has made obligatory for spouses. Muslim homes cannot be reformed and love and affection cannot prevail in them unless this duty is perfectly fulfilled in a way that satisfies Allah. Allah The Almighty instructs His... More
Sep 20, 2024
Improper dress for women and intermingling between sexes
  The greatest and most important of all the favors and blessings bestowed by Allah is Islam and the honorable Islamic law, which is derived from the Book of Allah and the Prophetic Sunnah. This Law has outlined all that which is beneficial for mankind in this life and the Hereafter.... More
Sep 20, 2024
Raising Righteous Generations-II
  Women must be prepared in a way that adequately suits their life's work and mission as mothers and wives. In addition, they must learn the mandatory branches of Sharee‘ah knowledge. It is to their advantage if they master all such branches of knowledge, and if they have additionally been endowed... More
Sep 20, 2024
Raising Righteous Generations - I
  The Ummah (Muslim nation) can only be upheld by its sons and daughters and by its future generations who are prepared to spread Islam all over the world and to vanquish the oppression that is being inflicted on the Ummah by the denominations of disbelief and tyranny.   A sound, strong... More
Sep 20, 2024
The Key to Paradise
  Imagine: There is a path to Paradise and as we move along the path, with the very first step we find a huge signboard on which the following is written: "Hijab…the key to Paradise." Naturally, in order to gain entry to Paradise, we have to know the merits and characteristics... More
Sep 20, 2024
Does Hijab Prevent Social Development?
  People who are impressed with modern civilization believe that the Hijab (Islamic covering) is a sign of backwardness that prevents women from development and hampers their creativity and individuality. According to them, the Hijab is an obstacle that prevents women from progressing in the spheres of personal and social development.... More
Sep 20, 2024
The Status of Muslim Women in Communal Life
  The status of the Muslim woman in Islam is very noble and lofty, and she has a great influence on the life of every Muslim in her community. Indeed, a Muslim woman is the initial teacher who contributes towards building a righteous society, provided that she follows the guidance of... More
Sep 20, 2024
The Inherent Differences Between Man and Woman - I
  The physical, moral and Sharee‘ah-related differences between man and woman are proven by Divine Decree, the Sharee‘ah, and sound ration.   That is, Allah The Almighty has created man and woman as twin-halves of the human species: male and female, as confirmed by His Statement (which means): {And that He creates... More
Sep 20, 2024
The Inherent Differences Between Man and Woman - III
  Should there be equality in all rulings, given the differences in physique and competence, it would be a reversal of Fitrah (natural disposition), and injustice against both the authoritative sex (men) and the other one (women) if not the entire life of human society, for in this case, it would... More
Sep 20, 2024
The Inherent Differences Between Man and Woman - II
  Here is a set of features with which men and women have been characterized:   From among the rulings assigned to men, a mention may be made of the following:   • Men are in charge of the household in general and of preserving, caring and safeguarding virtue, holding back vice and... More
Sep 20, 2024
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