Family & Society
A Daa'iyah, Except in One's Own Family - II
  Dear caregivers and Daa‘iyahs (callers to Islam) – male and female,   Your role is no less important than that of the other.   Together you bring up your child with a good upbringing -- you and not anyone else.   First: The role of the father when he is a Daa‘iyah:   Dear... More
Sep 20, 2024
Relating a Story can Change a Child’s Behavior - I
  A mother said, "I have a friend who is married and has two children, aged five and six. On one occasion when I visited them, she asked her children not to fiddle with the alarm clock that belonged to their father. However, the children did not pay attention to what... More
Sep 20, 2024
Relating a Story can Change a Child’s Behavior - II
  Islam realizes the natural inclination toward stories, due to their magical effect on the hearts, and thus, endorses listening to them as a method of upbringing and rectifying. [Awlaaduna Akbaaduna]   Stories attract the children in their early years and gain their preference over other types of entertainment, because they leave... More
Sep 20, 2024
Protecting our Children from Lying - I
  The doorbell rang in the house of the grandfather, and four-year-old Fahd ran to open the door. Soon, he returned running and jumping, announcing the visitor to his grandfather, "Grandpa! Shaykh Al ‘Uthaymeen is waiting for you in the salon."   The grandfather smiled and asked inquiringly, "Who is it Fahd?... More
Sep 20, 2024
Protecting our Children from Lying - II
  How can a mother know that her child is lying?   It should be known that lying has many signs that are visible on the child which an intelligent mother could notice, and they reveal it in the same way that is imitated by the following proverb: "The (sinful) suspicious (with... More
Sep 20, 2024
Our Children and Prayer - I
  • “My son does not pray except because he fears me.”   • “If I did not remind him of the prayer time, he would wait until its due time had passed.”   • “My son only prays to silence my yells. Can you imagine that he does not even perform ablution... More
Sep 20, 2024
Our Children and Prayer - II
  • Accompany your child to the mosque:   When your child is able to perform prayer as due, or even is able to comprehend prayer before reaching the age of distinction, you should accompany him to the mosque so as to perform congregational prayers. This makes the child’s heart attached to... More
Sep 20, 2024
My Child's Mistakes - I
  This article deals with the erroneous parental behavior patterns in reaction to children’s mistakes. The majority of parents react to these mistakes, at the time they are made, with anger and the desire to exact retribution from the child, under the pretext of discipline. This is especially true when the... More
Sep 20, 2024
My Child's Mistakes - II
  In this article, we will complete the guidelines of behavioral change to be followed so that we can make a real change in the behavior of our children, and convince them to help us make that change.   5- Listen to him attentively.   In order for the adolescent to tell you... More
Sep 20, 2024
Teaching children good manners
  Just as a child should be taught ritual acts of worship, he should also be taught good habits and etiquettes until they become second nature to him.   The Prophet said: "The believers who have the most perfect faith are those who have the best manners." [Abu Daawood]   Good manners are... More
Sep 20, 2024
Our Father Favors Our Brother Over Us - I
  A child’s memoir:   I was finally born after nine months in my mother’s womb; that dark and narrow place that forced me to stay in strange positions. Later, I discovered that my birth was a happy event that my family had eagerly awaited and my mother was counting the days... More
Sep 20, 2024
Our Father Favors Our Brother Over Us - II
  Jealousy is misery and enmity:   Jealousy is common in children aged 1-5 years, but this emotion and feeling may be so overwhelming to the extent that it will disturb the child’s social adjustment.   In this case, jealousy is the origin of all the strange and abnormal behavior of the child,... More
Sep 20, 2024
Raising children in non-Muslim societies
  Raising children in an Islamic way in a non-Muslim society needs everyone’s effort with no exception, starting with the parents’ efforts, to the Mosque’s, to the community’s efforts. All of these roles are important. The stronger these roles are and the more mutually complementary to one another, the better the... More
Sep 20, 2024
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